Economía de los Estados Unidos enero 2024
Acorde al PMI publicado hoy de la producción en los Estados Unidos creció en enero al ritmo más rápido de los siete últimos meses y los precios frenan su alza a su tasa más baja desde mayo del 2020.
Lo fundamental
Los PMI muestran un aumento fuerte en la actividad económica en los comienzos del año, debido al crecimiento de la producción que se aceleró en enero sobre los 7 meses previos.
El impulso proviene fundamentalmente de las empresas de servicios, mientras que fabricantes y manufacturas continuan a la baja debido a problemas de suministro cada vez más intensos.
No obstante, se inota una mejora generalizada en las condiciones de demanda, ya que las empresas registraron un mayor crecimiento de nuevos pedidos tanto para bienes como para servicios, lo que contribuyó a elevar la confianza empresarial para el próximo año a su nivel más alto en 20 meses.
En cuanto a los precios suben ligeramente gracias a que las empresas los han aumentado al ritmo más bajo desde mayo de 2020.
Mientras tanto, las empresas aumentaron sus números de empleados a un ritmo marginal, ya que los trabajos pendientes aumentaron por primera vez en diez meses.

Producción y demanda
El crecimiento de la producción estuvo liderado por los proveedores de servicios, ya que las empresas manufactureras continuaron experimentando una caída moderada en la actividad en enero.
La disminución en la producción por parte de los productores de bienes se suavizó en comparación con la de diciembre, vinculada a una mejora en los flujos de pedidos.
Los fabricantes también mencionaron que los retrasos en las entregas, provocados por tormentas severas y interrupciones en el transporte marítimo, a veces obstaculizaron la producción. Los tiempos de entrega de los proveedores en los productores de bienes se alargaron en promedio por primera vez en 13 meses.
La creación de empresas creció por tercer mes consecutivo. El aumento en los nuevos pedidos fue generalizado con el el aumento más rápido desde mayo de 2022.
Los proveedores de servicios lograron las mejores ganancias de los últimos siete meses. la demanda más fuerte se centró en el ámbito nacional, ya que los nuevos pedidos de exportación disminuyeron por segundo mes consecutivo en enero. La disminución fue la más rápida desde octubre de 2023, debido a una caída más rápida en las nuevas ventas de exportación manufacturera y otra disminución marginal en el sector de servicios.
Artículo relacionado: La economía española crecerá un 1,7% según La AIReF
El empleo creció durante el mes enero, aunque más lento que en diciembre con un número de nuevos empleados marginal y el segundo más suave desde el pasado agosto.
Los panelistas señalaron que el mayor número de trabajadores se debió a mayores requisitos comerciales y la contratación de trabajadores calificados para vacantes que llevaban mucho tiempo sin cubrirse, pero que la contratación a menudo se veía limitada por la escasez de mano de obra.
Los precios
Las presiones inflacionarias disminuyeron al inicio del año logrando que los precios crecieran a un ritmo moderado. El crecimiento en los precios fue el más lento que el promedio de la serie y el segundo más débil desde octubre de 2020.
Dicho esto, los productores de bienes experimentaron han incrementado precio debido a los costes de transporte, dificultades en la obtención de materiales para la fabricación

El broker alemán Trade Republic lanza 4% sobre tu efectivo con el objetivo de acelerar la captación de cartera de clientes entre la competencia
Como plataforma de inversión permite a los usuarios comprar y vender acciones, así como invertir en fondos cotizados en bolsa (ETF) y otros instrumentos financieros. Trade Republic se caracteriza por ofrecer una interfaz fácil de usar y comisiones bajas.
Actualmente cuenta con una base de 4 millones de clientes en 17 países europeos y 35.000 millones de euros en activos bajo gestión.
Entre sus inversores se encuentran empresas como SEQUOIA, ONTARIO TEACHERS pension plan, ACCEL, CREANDUM, FOUNDERS FUND, TCV, THRIVE CAPITAL
Se trata de un producto lanzado recientemente por la compañía que va remunerar tu efectivo con un 4%, puntos a tener en cuenta:
- Interés del 4% sobre tu saldo hasta 50.000€
- Intereses actualizados diariamente
- Intereses pagados mensualmente al comienzo de cada mes
- Tu dinero protegido hasta 100.000€ por el fondo de garantía bancaria
- Sin cuota mensual de mantenimiento
Los interesados pueden ampliar información en Trade Republic

La economía española crecerá un 1,7% según La AIReF
La AIReF revisa al alza en una décima el crecimiento del PIB real en 2023, hasta el 2,4% y mantiene su previsión de crecimiento del PIB real para 2024 en el 1,7%
- Revisa al alza en una décima el crecimiento del PIB real en 2023, hasta el 2,4% y mantiene su previsión de crecimiento del PIB real para 2024 en el 1,7%
- En el ámbito de los precios, la AIReF revisa a la baja su previsión de crecimiento del IPC de 2024 al entorno del 3,3% por la evolución reciente y las últimas medidas aprobadas
La Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal (AIReF) ha publicado la revisión de las proyecciones macroeconómicas para 2023 y 2024, incorporando la información más reciente y los datos del Índice de Precios de Consumo (IPC). La estimación del crecimiento del PIB real para 2023 se ha ajustado al alza en una décima, alcanzando el 2,4%, mientras que la previsión para 2024 se mantiene prácticamente sin cambios en el 1,7%.

Las estimaciones actuales incorporan la información más reciente, incluyendo los indicadores más recientes de la coyuntura económica, las revisiones de las estimaciones de la Contabilidad Nacional Trimestral (CNTR) correspondientes al tercer trimestre de 2023 y los ajustes en los supuestos técnicos.
Según la explicación proporcionada por la AIReF, la revisión a la baja de las estimaciones de crecimiento del PIB en la primera mitad de 2023, basada en la CNTR, se habría compensado con un desempeño mejorado del PIB en el tercer trimestre en comparación con el escenario de crecimiento del Plan Presupuestario.
Adicionalmente, se ha incorporado una revisión al alza de la tasa intertrimestral proyectada para el cuarto trimestre. Según el modelo MIPred de la AIReF, que ofrece una estimación en tiempo real del crecimiento intertrimestral del PIB utilizando información disponible en bases de datos públicas, los indicadores de muy corto plazo muestran un comportamiento más favorable de lo inicialmente anticipado. Se destaca la evolución positiva de los servicios, aunque las manufacturas experimentan un comportamiento más negativo debido al entorno internacional. Por otro lado, las afiliaciones a la Seguridad Social han mantenido una tendencia expansiva a lo largo de 2023, aunque con menor vigor en la segunda mitad del año. En conjunto, estos factores implican una revisión al alza del crecimiento esperado en 2023, situándolo en el 2,4%, una décima más de lo anticipado en el Informe sobre el Plan Presupuestario
Perspectivas de la economía española en 2024
Para el año 2024, la AIReF mantiene su proyección de crecimiento del PIB real en el 1,7%. Aunque el impacto de una segunda mitad del año 2023 mejor de lo anticipado hace tres meses y las expectativas de menores tasas de interés se compensan, se observa un contrapeso debido a la peor evolución de los mercados españoles de exportación, especialmente en un contexto de crecimiento débil en los principales países de la zona del euro.
Además, se espera una evolución menos favorable del tipo de cambio efectivo nominal y cierta debilidad en los índices de confianza de la industria manufacturera. Estas previsiones se sitúan ligeramente por encima del promedio nacional de pronosticadores y están en línea con el promedio de los principales organismos internacionales.
United Kingdom PMI: Recovery in private sector, Red Sea crisis pushes up input costs in manufacturing
S&P Global just release the UK PMI survey In January, there was a more robust increase in the output of the UK private sector compared to the end of 2023. This was primarily driven by a continued recovery in the service economy.
The surge in service sector activity marked the fastest pace since May of the previous year, while manufacturing production experienced its most significant decline in three months. The most recent survey also pointed to a modest resurgence in private sector employment at the beginning of 2024. This was fueled by improving demand conditions and heightened optimism regarding the business outlook.
In the interim, private sector enterprises documented the most notable surge in input expenses since August 2023, spurred by renewed cost challenges within the manufacturing domain. Reports abound regarding escalated freight costs following the Red Sea crisis.
Additionally, worldwide shipping delays resulted in an extension of suppliers' delivery timelines, marking the initial occurrence in 12 months and the most significant elongation since September 2022.

Service sector activity
A robust uptick in service sector activity played a pivotal role in enhancing private sector output at the beginning of the year. The pace of expansion quickened to its most rapid in eight months.
Respondents in the survey largely remarked on heightened confidence among clients, with some noting a reversal in demand dynamics due to reduced borrowing costs. In contrast to the favorable trajectory in the service economy, manufacturing production continued its decline for the eleventh consecutive month, reaching its swiftest descent since October. This was frequently attributed to insufficient order volumes and customers holding excess inventory.
Private sector employment
Data from January indicated a slight increase in private sector employment, marking the conclusion of a four-month stretch of job reductions. The elevated staffing levels were indicative of a resurgence in recruitment within the service sector, a trend linked by survey respondents to the commencement of new projects and anticipated growth in demand.
However, numerous reports still highlighted instances of workforce redundancies and the non-replacement of voluntary departures, particularly within the manufacturing sector. This was frequently attributed to robust wage pressures and an excess of business capacity, underscored by a continued reduction in work backlogs across the private sector in January.
Red Sea crisis
The manufacturing supply chains experienced disruptions due to prolonged waiting times for container freight in January following the Red Sea crisis. The most recent data indicated the most significant extension in vendor delivery times since September, putting an end to an eleven-month streak of consistent improvement. Supplier delays were primarily associated with longer international shipping times, driven by vessels rerouting away from the Suez Canal. Concurrently, preproduction inventories saw the most substantial decrease since last August as safety stocks were depleted.
Escalating ocean freight rates played a role in a significant uptick in cost burdens within the manufacturing sector in January, marking the highest inflation rate since March 2023. While factory gate prices saw only a modest increase, it was notable as it occurred at the joint-fastest pace in eight months.
More information S&P Global
La economía del Reino Unido se recupera en enero pero atentos a la crisis del Mar Rojo
Hoy se ha publico los PMIs sobre la economía del Reino Unido de enero de 2024 con sus luces y sombras
Los datos de PMIs de enero muestran un aumento fuerte en la producción del sector privado en el Reino Unido que a finales del 2023, liderado por un nuevo repunte en la industria de los servicios.
El aumento en la actividad del sector de servicios fue el más fuerte desde mayo pasado, mientras que la producción manufacturera disminuyó en los últimos tres meses. La última encuesta también indicó un retorno al crecimiento modesto del empleo en el sector privado a principios de 2024, respaldado por mejoras en salarios y mejor percepción del ritmo de la economía.
Como contra peso a este incremento del sector privado se encuentra la crisis del Mar Rojo donde el incremento en los costes de transporte tarde o temprano se repercutirán en los precios de los supermercados, productos tecnológicos...
PMI Reino Unido

Toda la información de los PMIs de Reino Unido
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Tokeny perspectivas 2024
Hoy hemos recibido un comunicado de Luc Falempin CEO de la compañía luxemburguesa Tokeny la cual ya hemos mencionado en anteriores artículos, en esta ocasión Luc hace un repaso a la marcha de la compañía en el 2023 y nos aporta su visión para el 2024 en un mercado cada vez más caliente tras la aprobación por parte de la SEC de un ETFs basados en Bitcoin
Repaso rápido, Tokeny es una empresa especializada en proporcionar soluciones relacionadas con activos digitales y tokens de seguridad. o real world assets Tokeny ofrece una plataforma que facilita la emisión, transferencia y gestión de tokens de seguridad en la cadena de bloques. Los tokens de seguridad representan la propiedad o inversión en activos del mundo real y a menudo se utilizan para tokenizar instrumentos financieros tradicionales como acciones, bonos o bienes raíces.

Tokeny en 2023
Este pasado año la compañía celebraba su sexto aniversario con los siguientes hechos relevantes:
- El logro de 45 nuevas instituciones financieras como nuevos clientes
- El Grupo Apex continua su apoyo a Tokeny en forma de inversiones en el proyecto impulsando el desarrollo de la compañía
- Enfoque en Seguridad: Tokeny continua demostrando su compromiso con los más altos estándares de seguridad, obteniendo una puntuación de 10/10 en la auditoría de Hacken y obteniendo la certificación SOC2 Tipo 1.
- Aumento del 100% en los ingresos de la empresa
- 176 lectores leen sus comunicados con novedades del mercado y la compañía
- 5.679 empresas se ponen en contacto para colaborar o aprender del sector
- Aumento del equipo en un 25%

Predicciones 2024
Para Tokeny el año 24 promete estar lleno de avances en la tokenización / real world assets. Sus predicciones del sector:
- 5 de los 10 principales gestoras de activos tokenizarán activos
- La industria comenzará a trabajar en diferentes frentes y proyectos con el objeto de formar un ecosistema dinámico con un estándar de token válido para toda la industria, en el que ERC-3643 será un referente.
- Las entidades reguladas comenzarán a tokenizar efectivo: Algunas instituciones financieras importantes emitirán stablecoins, dinero electrónico o tokens de depósito.
- La regulación en Estados Unidos se abrirá: Se espera que el mercado estadounidense se abra, obligando a otros a acelerar sus iniciativas.
- Las instituciones y empresas adoptarán la tecnología de cadena de bloques pública: Esto abre la puerta a la interoperabilidad con DeFi, generando demanda por parte de los inversores al agregar utilidad a sus activos e impulsar la innovación.
Trade Republic 4% sobre tu efectivo
Trade Republic la plataforma de inversión con sede en Alemania lanza 4% sobre tu efectivo con el objetivo de acelerar la captación de clientes
Trade Republic
Plataforma que permite a los usuarios comprar y vender acciones, así como invertir en fondos cotizados en bolsa (ETF) y otros instrumentos financieros. Trade Republic se caracteriza por ofrecer una interfaz fácil de usar y comisiones bajas.
Actualmente cuenta con una base de 4 millones de clientes en 17 países europeos y 35.000 millones de euros en activos bajo gestión.
Entre sus inversores se encuentran empresas como SEQUOIA, ONTARIO TEACHERS pension plan, ACCEL, CREANDUM, FOUNDERS FUND, TCV, THRIVE CAPITAL
Trade Republic 4%
Se trata de un producto lanzado recientemente por la compañía que va remunerar tu efectivo con un 4%, puntos a tener en cuenta:
- Interés del 4% sobre tu saldo hasta 50.000€
- Intereses actualizados diariamente
- Intereses pagados mensualmente al comienzo de cada mes
- Tu dinero protegido hasta 100.000€ por el fondo de garantía bancaria
- Sin cuota mensual de mantenimiento
Los interesados pueden ampliar información en Trade Republica
El índice Russell 2000 qué es y empresas que lo componen
El indice Russell 2000 es un índice elaborado por la empresa Russell Investments, una empresa global de gestión de inversiones con sede en Seattle, Washington, Estados Unidos. La empresa fue fundada en 1936 por Frank Russell y se ha convertido en una de las firmas de gestión de inversiones más grandes del mundo.
El índice Russell 2000
El índice Russell 2000 es uno de los índices de referencia más conocidos para medir el rendimiento de las pequeñas capitalizaciones bursátiles en los Estados Unidos.
El Russell 2000 es una parte de la familia de índices Russell, que la forman diferentes índices de capitalización bursátil.
Este índice incluye aproximadamente 2000 empresas de pequeña capitalización dentro del universo del mercado de valores de Estados Unidos. Se considera un índice representativo del rendimiento de las pequeñas empresas en comparación con índices más amplios que incluyen empresas de mayor capitalización.
Metodología de Selección: Las empresas incluidas en el Russell 2000 son seleccionadas en función de su capitalización bursátil total y otros criterios específicos. La metodología de Russell para construir sus índices implica clasificar las empresas por tamaño de mercado y asignarlas a índices específicos en función de esas clasificaciones.
Rebalanceo Anual: Russell realiza un rebalanceo anual en el que ajusta la composición del índice para reflejar cambios en el mercado y en las clasificaciones de capitalización bursátil de las empresas.
Representatividad del Segmento: Dado que el Russell 2000 se centra en empresas más pequeñas, a menudo se utiliza como indicador del rendimiento general de las pequeñas empresas en la economía estadounidense.
Cotización y evolución del Russell 2000
Russell 2000 cotización en tiempo real
Evolución máxima del índice

Empresas que componen el Russell 2000
Símbolo | Empresa | Market Cap | Sector | Industria |
CAR | Avis Budget Group, Inc. | $18.12 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
AA | Alcoa Corporation | $16.85 B | Basic Materials | Aluminum |
CLF | Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. | $16.20 B | Basic Materials | Steel |
CZR | Caesars Entertainment, Inc. | $15.68 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
PLUG | Plug Power Inc. | $15.03 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
OVV | Ovintiv Inc. | $13.68 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
BLDR | Builders FirstSource, Inc. | $13.13 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
DAR | Darling Ingredients Inc. | $12.92 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
GME | GameStop Corp. | $12.69 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
AMC | AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. | $12.36 B | Communication Services | Entertainment |
X | United States Steel Corporation | $10.48 B | Basic Materials | Steel |
BJ | BJ's Wholesale Club Holdings, Inc. | $9.49 B | Consumer Staples | Discount Stores |
AR | Antero Resources Corporation | $9.49 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
WSC | WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp. | $9.35 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
LAD | Lithia Motors, Inc. | $9.19 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto & Truck Dealerships |
THC | Tenet Healthcare Corporation | $8.89 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
TTEK | Tetra Tech, Inc. | $8.76 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
WMS | Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. | $8.60 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
CHDN | Churchill Downs Incorporated | $8.46 B | Consumer Discretionary | Gambling |
LSCC | Lattice Semiconductor Corporation | $8.24 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
EGP | EastGroup Properties, Inc. | $8.16 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
KBR | KBR, Inc. | $7.78 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
IIVI | II-VI Incorporated | $7.55 B | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
RRC | Range Resources Corporation | $7.50 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
M | Macy's, Inc. | $7.49 B | Consumer Discretionary | Department Stores |
RCM | R1 RCM Inc. | $7.43 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
BYD | Boyd Gaming Corporation | $7.42 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
DECK | Deckers Outdoor Corporation | $7.40 B | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
BHVN | Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company Ltd. | $7.38 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BEPC | Brookfield Renewable Corporation | $7.37 B | Utilities | Utilities—Renewable |
PDCE | PDC Energy, Inc. | $7.31 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
BRKS | Brooks Automation, Inc. | $7.31 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
SITE | SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc. | $7.08 B | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
SF | Stifel Financial Corp. | $7.03 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
CWEN | Clearway Energy, Inc. | $7.02 B | Utilities | Utilities—Renewable |
CWEN.A | Clearway Energy, Inc. | $7.02 B | Utilities | Utilities—Renewable |
SYNA | Synaptics Incorporated | $6.98 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
SWAV | ShockWave Medical, Inc. | $6.95 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
PFGC | Performance Food Group Company | $6.75 B | Consumer Staples | Food Distribution |
STAG | STAG Industrial, Inc. | $6.71 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
LPX | Louisiana-Pacific Corporation | $6.69 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
VAC | Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation | $6.64 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
SLAB | Silicon Laboratories Inc. | $6.59 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
RH | RH | $6.59 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
INSP | Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. | $6.57 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
SAIA | Saia, Inc. | $6.47 B | Industrials | Trucking |
INOV | Inovalon Holdings, Inc. | $6.42 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
WCC | WESCO International, Inc. | $6.42 B | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
PENN | Penn National Gaming, Inc. | $6.39 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
TNET | TriNet Group, Inc. | $6.36 B | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
FFIN | First Financial Bankshares, Inc. | $6.32 B | Financials | Banks |
MTZ | MasTec, Inc. | $6.28 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
ASGN | ASGN Incorporated | $6.24 B | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
GTLS | Chart Industries, Inc. | $6.15 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
EME | EMCOR Group, Inc. | $6.15 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
MTDR | Matador Resources Company | $6.06 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
STMP | Inc. | $6.04 B | Technology | Software—Application |
RUN | Sunrun Inc. | $5.93 B | Technology | Solar |
BLD | TopBuild Corp. | $5.92 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
ESGR | Enstar Group Limited | $5.91 B | Financials | Insurance—Diversified |
HLI | Houlihan Lokey, Inc. | $5.90 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
RPD | Rapid7, Inc. | $5.83 B | Technology | Software—Application |
SSB | SouthState Corporation | $5.80 B | Financials | Banks |
TXRH | Texas Roadhouse, Inc. | $5.80 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
TENB | Tenable Holdings, Inc. | $5.78 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
MEDP | Medpace Holdings, Inc. | $5.77 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
SEAS | SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. | $5.73 B | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
WK | Workiva Inc. | $5.69 B | Technology | Software—Application |
EXPO | Exponent, Inc. | $5.63 B | Industrials | Consulting Services |
AQUA | Evoqua Water Technologies Corp. | $5.60 B | Industrials | Pollution & Treatment Controls |
OMCL | Omnicell, Inc. | $5.58 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
POWI | Power Integrations, Inc. | $5.56 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
HALO | Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc. | $5.56 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MGY | Magnolia Oil & Gas Corporation | $5.54 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
QLYS | Qualys, Inc. | $5.49 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
RRR | Red Rock Resorts, Inc. | $5.48 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
AMKR | Amkor Technology, Inc. | $5.48 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
CCMP | CMC Materials, Inc. | $5.47 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
MUSA | Murphy USA Inc. | $5.44 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
SGMS | Scientific Games Corporation | $5.44 B | Consumer Discretionary | Gambling |
NVAX | Novavax, Inc. | $5.38 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VLY | Valley National Bancorp | $5.37 B | Financials | Banks |
HQY | HealthEquity, Inc. | $5.37 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
JCOM | J2 Global, Inc. | $5.36 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
IRDM | Iridium Communications Inc. | $5.35 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
SIGI | Selective Insurance Group, Inc. | $5.33 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
ARNA | Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $5.25 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MATX | Matson, Inc. | $5.20 B | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
TRNO | Terreno Realty Corporation | $5.18 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
LHCG | LHC Group, Inc. | $5.17 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
VG | Vonage Holdings Corp. | $5.15 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
SFBS | ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc. | $5.15 B | Financials | Banks |
MIME | Mimecast Limited | $5.12 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
ROG | Rogers Corporation | $5.12 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
KNSL | Kinsale Capital Group, Inc. | $5.11 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
CMC | Commercial Metals Company | $5.08 B | Basic Materials | Steel |
TGNA | TEGNA Inc. | $5.08 B | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
YETI | YETI Holdings, Inc. | $5.07 B | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
IGT | International Game Technology PLC | $5.06 B | Consumer Discretionary | Gambling |
POR | Portland General Electric Company | $5.05 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Electric |
CIT | CIT Group Inc. | $5.02 B | Financials | Banks |
RHP | Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. | $5.01 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
OPCH | Option Care Health, Inc. | $4.98 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
HRI | Herc Holdings Inc. | $4.98 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
SWN | Southwestern Energy Company | $4.97 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
DDS | Dillard's, Inc. | $4.96 B | Consumer Discretionary | Department Stores |
ROLL | RBC Bearings Incorporated | $4.96 B | Industrials | Tools & Accessories |
NOVT | Novanta Inc. | $4.95 B | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
RLI | RLI Corp. | $4.95 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
BKH | Black Hills Corporation | $4.91 B | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
CROX | Crocs, Inc. | $4.89 B | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
CHX | ChampionX Corporation | $4.89 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
ENSG | The Ensign Group, Inc. | $4.88 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
UFPI | UFP Industries, Inc. | $4.88 B | Basic Materials | Lumber & Wood Production |
CARG | CarGurus, Inc. | $4.87 B | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
AMN | AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. | $4.86 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
NSA | National Storage Affiliates Trust | $4.85 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
ACIA | Acacia Communications, Inc. | $4.85 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
SSD | Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc. | $4.82 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
GBCI | Glacier Bancorp, Inc. | $4.81 B | Financials | Banks |
TRTN | Triton International Limited | $4.81 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
BXMT | Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc. | $4.78 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
HELE | Helen of Troy Limited | $4.77 B | Consumer Staples | Household & Personal Products |
OGS | ONE Gas, Inc. | $4.76 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
WTS | Watts Water Technologies, Inc. | $4.75 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
VRNS | Varonis Systems, Inc. | $4.74 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
ALTR | Altair Engineering Inc. | $4.74 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
EXLS | ExlService Holdings, Inc. | $4.74 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
PSB | PS Business Parks, Inc. | $4.73 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
SPSC | SPS Commerce, Inc. | $4.73 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
RARE | Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. | $4.71 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MMS | Maximus, Inc. | $4.70 B | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
UMBF | UMB Financial Corporation | $4.69 B | Financials | Banks |
LXP | Lexington Realty Trust | $4.69 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
CWK | Cushman & Wakefield plc | $4.67 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
ESNT | Essent Group Ltd. | $4.67 B | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
ITCI | Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc. | $4.67 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PRSP | Perspecta Inc. | $4.66 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
ARWR | Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $4.65 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BOX | Box, Inc. | $4.65 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
IIPR | Innovative Industrial Properties, Inc. | $4.65 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
COKE | Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. | $4.64 B | Consumer Staples | Beverages—Non-Alcoholic |
SWX | Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc. | $4.63 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
NTLA | Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. | $4.62 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ATKR | Atkore Inc. | $4.61 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
CNX | CNX Resources Corporation | $4.60 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
SM | SM Energy Company | $4.60 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
NJR | New Jersey Resources Corporation | $4.55 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
HWC | Hancock Whitney Corporation | $4.55 B | Financials | Banks |
ORA | Ormat Technologies, Inc. | $4.51 B | Utilities | Utilities—Renewable |
SAIL | SailPoint Technologies Holdings, Inc. | $4.50 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
SITM | SiTime Corporation | $4.48 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
GATX | GATX Corporation | $4.47 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
HGV | Hilton Grand Vacations Inc. | $4.45 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
BCPC | Balchem Corporation | $4.43 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
PGNY | Progyny, Inc. | $4.42 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
CWST | Casella Waste Systems, Inc. | $4.42 B | Industrials | Waste Management |
AVNT | Avient Corporation | $4.41 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
MSTR | MicroStrategy Incorporated | $4.41 B | Technology | Software—Application |
UBSI | United Bankshares, Inc. | $4.40 B | Financials | Banks |
MXL | MaxLinear, Inc. | $4.38 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
SMTC | Semtech Corporation | $4.38 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
NAV | Navistar International Corporation | $4.38 B | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
FIZZ | National Beverage Corp. | $4.37 B | Consumer Staples | Beverages—Non-Alcoholic |
APPN | Appian Corporation | $4.34 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
RXN | Rexnord Corporation | $4.33 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
ADC | Agree Realty Corporation | $4.32 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
IRTC | iRhythm Technologies, Inc. | $4.32 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
RDN | Radian Group Inc. | $4.29 B | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
FRPT | Freshpet, Inc. | $4.28 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
CNMD | CONMED Corporation | $4.25 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
ONTO | Onto Innovation Inc. | $4.25 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
NARI | Inari Medical, Inc. | $4.23 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
SAFM | Sanderson Farms, Inc. | $4.20 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
QTS | QTS Realty Trust, Inc. | $4.19 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
APG | APi Group Corporation | $4.17 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
ELY | Callaway Golf Company | $4.16 B | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
SPT | Sprout Social, Inc. | $4.16 B | Technology | Software—Application |
BECN | Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. | $4.16 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
MTSI | MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. | $4.15 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
WHD | Cactus, Inc. | $4.15 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
PNM | PNM Resources, Inc. | $4.15 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Electric |
BL | BlackLine, Inc. | $4.15 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
LANC | Lancaster Colony Corporation | $4.14 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
MRTX | Mirati Therapeutics, Inc. | $4.13 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FOXF | Fox Factory Holding Corp. | $4.11 B | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
CNS | Cohen & Steers, Inc. | $4.11 B | Financials | Asset Management |
HLNE | Hamilton Lane Incorporated | $4.10 B | Financials | Asset Management |
LTHM | Livent Corporation | $4.09 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
WD | Walker & Dunlop, Inc. | $4.07 B | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
GT | The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company | $4.06 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
BKU | BankUnited, Inc. | $4.05 B | Financials | Banks |
SJI | South Jersey Industries, Inc. | $4.02 B | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
AIT | Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. | $4.01 B | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
LIVN | LivaNova PLC | $3.99 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
ENV | Envestnet, Inc. | $3.99 B | Technology | Software—Application |
HR | Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated | $3.97 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
FLR | Fluor Corporation | $3.97 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
APPS | Digital Turbine, Inc. | $3.97 B | Technology | Software—Application |
BE | Bloom Energy Corporation | $3.93 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
APLS | Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $3.93 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
COOP | Mr. Cooper Group Inc. | $3.92 B | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
PSN | Parsons Corporation | $3.92 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
ADNT | Adient plc | $3.92 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
DOC | Physicians Realty Trust | $3.90 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
DIOD | Diodes Incorporated | $3.89 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
NSP | Insperity, Inc. | $3.89 B | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
FN | Fabrinet | $3.89 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
NGHC | National General Holdings Corp. | $3.88 B | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
CELH | Celsius Holdings, Inc. | $3.86 B | Consumer Staples | Beverages—Non-Alcoholic |
SIG | Signet Jewelers Limited | $3.85 B | Consumer Discretionary | Luxury Goods |
PZZA | Papa John's International, Inc. | $3.85 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
SR | Spire Inc. | $3.85 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
CBU | Community Bank System, Inc. | $3.84 B | Financials | Banks |
TTEC | TTEC Holdings, Inc. | $3.84 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
APPF | AppFolio, Inc. | $3.83 B | Technology | Software—Application |
FELE | Franklin Electric Co., Inc. | $3.81 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
VIAV | Viavi Solutions Inc. | $3.79 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
CSOD | Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. | $3.79 B | Technology | Software—Application |
AMRC | Ameresco, Inc. | $3.79 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
NSIT | Insight Enterprises, Inc. | $3.79 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
MMSI | Merit Medical Systems, Inc. | $3.77 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
DNLI | Denali Therapeutics Inc. | $3.77 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AEL | American Equity Investment Life Holding Company | $3.75 B | Financials | Insurance—Life |
ACIW | ACI Worldwide, Inc. | $3.73 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
HASI | Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. | $3.72 B | Real Estate | REIT—Specialty |
HOMB | Home Bancshares, Inc. (Conway, AR) | $3.72 B | Financials | Banks |
LNTH | Lantheus Holdings, Inc. | $3.71 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
JBT | John Bean Technologies Corporation | $3.70 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
AMBA | Ambarella, Inc. | $3.69 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
CADE | Cadence Bancorporation | $3.68 B | Financials | Banks |
SMPL | The Simply Good Foods Company | $3.67 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
KRTX | Karuna Therapeutics, Inc. | $3.67 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
STAA | STAAR Surgical Company | $3.64 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
FLOW | SPX FLOW, Inc. | $3.64 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
ISBC | Investors Bancorp, Inc. | $3.63 B | Financials | Banks |
SUM | Summit Materials, Inc. | $3.62 B | Basic Materials | Building Materials |
BMCH | BMC Stock Holdings, Inc. | $3.61 B | Basic Materials | Building Materials |
PCH | PotlatchDeltic Corporation | $3.61 B | Real Estate | REIT—Specialty |
BPMC | Blueprint Medicines Corporation | $3.60 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SVMK | SVMK Inc. | $3.59 B | Technology | Software—Application |
CATY | Cathay General Bancorp | $3.57 B | Financials | Banks |
MANT | ManTech International Corporation | $3.56 B | Technology | Software—Application |
SITC | SITE Centers Corp. | $3.56 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
RMBS | Rambus Inc. | $3.56 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
WING | Wingstop Inc. | $3.55 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
FUL | H.B. Fuller Company | $3.55 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
PFSI | PennyMac Financial Services, Inc. | $3.54 B | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
EYE | National Vision Holdings, Inc. | $3.54 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
TMHC | Taylor Morrison Home Corporation | $3.53 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
SXT | Sensient Technologies Corporation | $3.53 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
KFY | Korn Ferry | $3.50 B | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
PRFT | Perficient, Inc. | $3.49 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
BIPC | Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation | $3.49 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
KW | Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. | $3.48 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
HL | Hecla Mining Company | $3.46 B | Basic Materials | Gold |
HI | Hillenbrand, Inc. | $3.43 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
ATI | Allegheny Technologies Incorporated | $3.42 B | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
VRNT | Verint Systems Inc. | $3.41 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
BEAM | Beam Therapeutics Inc. | $3.40 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
UNF | UniFirst Corporation | $3.40 B | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
ALE | ALLETE, Inc. | $3.40 B | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
BCO | The Brink's Company | $3.40 B | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
SI | Silvergate Capital Corporation | $3.39 B | Financials | Banks |
WBT | Welbilt, Inc. | $3.39 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
NTRA | Natera, Inc. | $3.37 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
REZI | Resideo Technologies, Inc. | $3.37 B | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
JOE | The St. Joe Company | $3.36 B | Real Estate | Real Estate—Diversified |
CNO | CNO Financial Group, Inc. | $3.35 B | Financials | Insurance—Life |
FHI | Federated Hermes, Inc. | $3.35 B | Financials | Asset Management |
SPWR | SunPower Corporation | $3.35 B | Technology | Solar |
PPBI | Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. | $3.34 B | Financials | Banks |
OMI | Owens & Minor, Inc. | $3.34 B | Healthcare | Medical Distribution |
CMD | Cantel Medical Corp. | $3.34 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
(Feb. 18, 2021) | ||||
FATE | Fate Therapeutics, Inc. | $3.33 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FOCS | Focus Financial Partners Inc. | $3.33 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
TRUP | Trupanion, Inc. | $3.33 B | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
NNI | Nelnet, Inc. | $3.31 B | Financials | Credit Services |
AWR | American States Water Company | $3.31 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
AEIS | Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. | $3.30 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
ALRM | Holdings, Inc. | $3.28 B | Technology | Software—Application |
SONO | Sonos, Inc. | $3.28 B | Technology | Consumer Electronics |
VIR | Vir Biotechnology, Inc. | $3.28 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PCRX | Pacira BioSciences, Inc. | $3.28 B | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
PEB | Pebblebrook Hotel Trust | $3.27 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
SBRA | Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc. | $3.27 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
KBH | KB Home | $3.26 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
SGRY | Surgery Partners, Inc. | $3.26 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
HMSY | HMS Holdings Corp. | $3.26 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
MSGN | MSG Networks Inc. | $3.26 B | Communication Services | Entertainment |
NEOG | Neogen Corporation | $3.26 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
UNIT | Uniti Group Inc. | $3.25 B | Real Estate | REIT—Specialty |
FIX | Comfort Systems USA, Inc. | $3.23 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
ENS | EnerSys | $3.22 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
ARVN | Arvinas, Inc. | $3.22 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SEM | Select Medical Holdings Corporation | $3.22 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
MAC | The Macerich Company | $3.21 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
MDRX | Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. | $3.21 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
FORM | FormFactor, Inc. | $3.21 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
QTWO | Q2 Holdings, Inc. | $3.20 B | Technology | Software—Application |
CCOI | Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc. | $3.19 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
SSTK | Shutterstock, Inc. | $3.18 B | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
WLL | Whiting Petroleum Corporation | $3.18 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
CVBF | CVB Financial Corp. | $3.18 B | Financials | Banks |
AVA | Avista Corporation | $3.18 B | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
GEF | Greif, Inc. | $3.17 B | Consumer Discretionary | Packaging & Containers |
MLI | Mueller Industries, Inc. | $3.17 B | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
SHOO | Steven Madden, Ltd. | $3.16 B | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
AJRD | Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. | $3.14 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
EVTC | EVERTEC, Inc. | $3.14 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
NWE | NorthWestern Corporation | $3.13 B | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
NAVI | Navient Corporation | $3.13 B | Financials | Credit Services |
PDCO | Patterson Companies, Inc. | $3.11 B | Healthcare | Medical Distribution |
APAM | Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. | $3.10 B | Financials | Asset Management |
IBTX | Independent Bank Group, Inc. | $3.10 B | Financials | Banks |
CWT | California Water Service Group | $3.09 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
TROX | Tronox Holdings plc | $3.08 B | Basic Materials | Chemicals |
KWR | Quaker Chemical Corporation | $3.08 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
CVLT | Commvault Systems, Inc. | $3.07 B | Technology | Software—Application |
ABM | ABM Industries Incorporated | $3.07 B | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
ABG | Asbury Automotive Group, Inc. | $3.07 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto & Truck Dealerships |
GPI | Group 1 Automotive, Inc. | $3.06 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto & Truck Dealerships |
ABCB | Ameris Bancorp | $3.06 B | Financials | Banks |
VC | Visteon Corporation | $3.06 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
CNR | Cornerstone Building Brands, Inc. | $3.05 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
BXS | BancorpSouth Bank | $3.05 B | Financials | Banks |
EPRT | Essential Properties Realty Trust, Inc. | $3.03 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
DORM | Dorman Products, Inc. | $3.03 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
KOS | Kosmos Energy Ltd. | $3.02 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
MTH | Meritage Homes Corporation | $3.02 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
UCBI | United Community Banks, Inc. | $3.02 B | Financials | Banks |
SKY | Skyline Champion Corporation | $3.01 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
NMRK | Newmark Group, Inc. | $3.01 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
EXPI | eXp World Holdings, Inc. | $3.01 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
SAFE | Safehold Inc. | $3.00 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
CRK | Comstock Resources, Inc. | $2.98 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
PTEN | Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc. | $2.98 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Drilling |
VICR | Vicor Corporation | $2.98 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
AUB | Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation | $2.97 B | Financials | Banks |
JJSF | J & J Snack Foods Corp. | $2.97 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
MGEE | MGE Energy, Inc. | $2.95 B | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
GOLF | Acushnet Holdings Corp. | $2.95 B | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
AAON | AAON, Inc. | $2.95 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
FBP | First BanCorp. | $2.93 B | Financials | Banks |
DRNA | Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $2.93 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CRVL | CorVel Corporation | $2.93 B | Financials | Insurance Brokers |
FCFS | FirstCash, Inc. | $2.93 B | Financials | Credit Services |
TCBI | Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. | $2.93 B | Financials | Banks |
SFNC | Simmons First National Corporation | $2.91 B | Financials | Banks |
NUVA | NuVasive, Inc. | $2.90 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
MOG.A | Moog Inc. | $2.89 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
GSHD | Goosehead Insurance, Inc | $2.88 B | Financials | Insurance—Diversified |
DY | Dycom Industries, Inc. | $2.88 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
CIM | Chimera Investment Corporation | $2.87 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
ATRC | AtriCure, Inc. | $2.87 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
TWNK | Hostess Brands, Inc. | $2.87 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
BLKB | Blackbaud, Inc. | $2.87 B | Technology | Software—Application |
MC | Moelis & Company | $2.86 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
VSH | Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. | $2.86 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
AEO | American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. | $2.86 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
RIG | Transocean Ltd. | $2.86 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Drilling |
BMI | Badger Meter, Inc. | $2.85 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
ACA | Arcosa, Inc. | $2.85 B | Industrials | Infrastructure Operations |
WERN | Werner Enterprises, Inc. | $2.84 B | Industrials | Trucking |
ARNC | Arconic Corporation | $2.83 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
REGI | Renewable Energy Group, Inc. | $2.82 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
CBRL | Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. | $2.82 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
UPWK | Upwork Inc. | $2.81 B | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
PBF | PBF Energy Inc. | $2.81 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
NHI | National Health Investors, Inc. | $2.80 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
BCC | Boise Cascade Company | $2.80 B | Basic Materials | Lumber & Wood Production |
BCRX | BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $2.78 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BANF | BancFirst Corporation | $2.77 B | Financials | Banks |
BOOT | Boot Barn Holdings, Inc. | $2.77 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
IPAR | Inter Parfums, Inc. | $2.77 B | Consumer Staples | Household & Personal Products |
EVH | Evolent Health, Inc. | $2.76 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
RUSHA | Rush Enterprises, Inc. | $2.75 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto & Truck Dealerships |
UFS | Domtar Corporation | $2.75 B | Basic Materials | Paper & Paper Products |
FULT | Fulton Financial Corporation | $2.75 B | Financials | Banks |
SHAK | Shake Shack Inc. | $2.74 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
MAXR | Maxar Technologies Inc. | $2.74 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
ONB | Old National Bancorp | $2.74 B | Financials | Banks |
AIN | Albany International Corp. | $2.73 B | Consumer Discretionary | Textile Manufacturing |
LCII | LCI Industries | $2.73 B | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
GLNG | Golar LNG Limited | $2.73 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Midstream |
WOR | Worthington Industries, Inc. | $2.73 B | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
CALM | Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. | $2.72 B | Consumer Staples | Farm Products |
MDC | M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. | $2.71 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
HMHC | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company | $2.71 B | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
HUBG | Hub Group, Inc. | $2.71 B | Industrials | Integrated Freight & Logistics |
IHRT | iHeartMedia, Inc. | $2.70 B | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
IRT | Independence Realty Trust, Inc. | $2.70 B | Real Estate | REIT—Residential |
MDP | Meredith Corporation | $2.70 B | Communication Services | Publishing |
AXNX | Axonics, Inc. | $2.70 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
AX | Axos Financial, Inc. | $2.70 B | Financials | Banks |
INDB | Independent Bank Corp. | $2.68 B | Financials | Banks |
VRRM | Verra Mobility Corporation | $2.68 B | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
IBOC | International Bancshares Corporation | $2.68 B | Financials | Banks |
CVA | Covanta Holding Corporation | $2.68 B | Industrials | Waste Management |
LBRT | Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. | $2.67 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
FWRD | Forward Air Corporation | $2.67 B | Industrials | Integrated Freight & Logistics |
PBH | Prestige Consumer Healthcare Inc. | $2.65 B | Healthcare | Medical Distribution |
RLAY | Relay Therapeutics, Inc. | $2.65 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SWTX | SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc. | $2.64 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SANM | Sanmina Corporation | $2.62 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
AMEH | Apollo Medical Holdings, Inc. | $2.62 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
MTOR | Meritor, Inc. | $2.62 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
ALGT | Allegiant Travel Company | $2.61 B | Industrials | Airlines |
INSM | Insmed Incorporated | $2.61 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CWH | Camping World Holdings, Inc. | $2.61 B | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
MLKN | MillerKnoll, Inc. | $2.60 B | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
GKOS | Glaukos Corporation | $2.60 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
ITGR | Integer Holdings Corporation | $2.59 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
CORT | Corcept Therapeutics Incorporated | $2.59 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
OTTR | Otter Tail Corporation | $2.59 B | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
NGVT | Ingevity Corporation | $2.59 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
CALX | Calix, Inc. | $2.59 B | Technology | Software—Application |
DAN | Dana Incorporated | $2.58 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
PJT | PJT Partners Inc. | $2.57 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
HLIO | Helios Technologies, Inc. | $2.56 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
SHO | Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. | $2.56 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
IBP | Installed Building Products, Inc. | $2.54 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
BRP | BRP Group, Inc. | $2.53 B | Financials | Insurance Brokers |
YELP | Yelp Inc. | $2.53 B | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
NG | NovaGold Resources Inc. | $2.53 B | Basic Materials | Gold |
AIMC | Altra Industrial Motion Corp. | $2.53 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
AAWW | Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc. | $2.53 B | Industrials | Airports & Air Services |
WDFC | WD-40 Company | $2.52 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
ATSG | Air Transport Services Group, Inc. | $2.52 B | Industrials | Integrated Freight & Logistics |
PTCT | PTC Therapeutics, Inc. | $2.51 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
TEX | Terex Corporation | $2.50 B | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
BDC | Belden Inc. | $2.49 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
KTOS | Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. | $2.49 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
EPAY | Bottomline Technologies, Inc. | $2.48 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
MGLN | Magellan Health, Inc. | $2.48 B | Healthcare | Healthcare Plans |
ODP | The ODP Corporation | $2.48 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
CVI | CVR Energy, Inc. | $2.48 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
ACLS | Axcelis Technologies, Inc. | $2.47 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
RAMP | LiveRamp Holdings, Inc. | $2.47 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
BTU | Peabody Energy Corporation | $2.46 B | Energy | Thermal Coal |
CYTK | Cytokinetics, Incorporated | $2.46 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LAUR | Laureate Education, Inc. | $2.46 B | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
ABR | Arbor Realty Trust, Inc. | $2.45 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
NOVA | Sunnova Energy International Inc. | $2.45 B | Technology | Solar |
URBN | Urban Outfitters, Inc. | $2.45 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
KTB | Kontoor Brands, Inc. | $2.44 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Manufacturing |
CPK | Chesapeake Utilities Corporation | $2.43 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
TR | Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. | $2.43 B | Consumer Staples | Confectioners |
BRC | Brady Corporation | $2.43 B | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
KMT | Kennametal Inc. | $2.43 B | Industrials | Tools & Accessories |
HTH | Hilltop Holdings Inc. | $2.41 B | Financials | Banks |
NVRO | Nevro Corp. | $2.41 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
LGIH | LGI Homes, Inc. | $2.41 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
CENX | Century Aluminum Company | $2.41 B | Basic Materials | Aluminum |
KAR | KAR Auction Services, Inc. | $2.40 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
THRM | Gentherm Incorporated | $2.39 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
CLNY | DigitalBridge Group, Inc. | $2.39 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
PSMT | PriceSmart, Inc. | $2.39 B | Consumer Staples | Discount Stores |
WAFD | Washington Federal, Inc. | $2.38 B | Financials | Banks |
FOLD | Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. | $2.38 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NTCT | NetScout Systems, Inc. | $2.38 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
TPH | Tri Pointe Homes, Inc. | $2.37 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
BBBY | Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. | $2.36 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
WSBC | WesBanco, Inc. | $2.36 B | Financials | Banks |
CENT | Central Garden & Pet Company | $2.36 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
FMBI | First Midwest Bancorp, Inc. | $2.35 B | Financials | Banks |
RES | RPC, Inc. | $2.35 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
PLXS | Plexus Corp. | $2.35 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
TELL | Tellurian Inc. | $2.34 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
SAVE | Spirit Airlines, Inc. | $2.34 B | Industrials | Airlines |
ROIC | Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. | $2.34 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
ITRI | Itron, Inc. | $2.34 B | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
CLBK | Columbia Financial, Inc. | $2.33 B | Financials | Banks |
COLB | Columbia Banking System, Inc. | $2.33 B | Financials | Banks |
RLJ | RLJ Lodging Trust | $2.32 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
AI |, Inc. | $2.31 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
AAT | American Assets Trust, Inc. | $2.31 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
OPK | OPKO Health, Inc. | $2.31 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
PRMW | Primo Water Corporation | $2.30 B | Consumer Staples | Beverages—Non-Alcoholic |
NXRT | NexPoint Residential Trust, Inc. | $2.30 B | Real Estate | REIT—Residential |
SDGR | Schrödinger, Inc. | $2.30 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
TBK | Triumph Bancorp, Inc. | $2.29 B | Financials | Banks |
IOSP | Innospec Inc. | $2.29 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
MIK | The Michaels Companies, Inc. | $2.29 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
UNFI | United Natural Foods, Inc. | $2.28 B | Consumer Staples | Food Distribution |
AVAV | AeroVironment, Inc. | $2.28 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
RXT | Rackspace Technology, Inc. | $2.28 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
SCL | Stepan Company | $2.28 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
STFC | State Auto Financial Corporation | $2.28 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
CVET | Covetrus, Inc. | $2.28 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
WIRE | Encore Wire Corporation | $2.28 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
LILAK | Liberty Latin America Ltd. | $2.28 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
LILA | Liberty Latin America Ltd. | $2.28 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
FRME | First Merchants Corporation | $2.27 B | Financials | Banks |
GCP | GCP Applied Technologies Inc. | $2.27 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
FIBK | First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. | $2.27 B | Financials | Banks |
UE | Urban Edge Properties | $2.25 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
FFBC | First Financial Bancorp. | $2.24 B | Financials | Banks |
FBC | Flagstar Bancorp, Inc. | $2.24 B | Financials | Banks |
PLAY | Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc. | $2.23 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
MTX | Minerals Technologies Inc. | $2.23 B | Basic Materials | Chemicals |
AHCO | AdaptHealth Corp. | $2.22 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
KAI | Kadant Inc. | $2.22 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
WSFS | WSFS Financial Corporation | $2.21 B | Financials | Banks |
XHR | Xenia Hotels & Resorts, Inc. | $2.21 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
CXP | Columbia Property Trust, Inc. | $2.21 B | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
RCUS | Arcus Biosciences, Inc. | $2.21 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CMP | Compass Minerals International, Inc. | $2.20 B | Basic Materials | Other Industrial Metals & Mining |
CBZ | CBIZ, Inc. | $2.20 B | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
CNNE | Cannae Holdings, Inc. | $2.20 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
VCRA | Vocera Communications, Inc. | $2.20 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
SPXC | SPX Corporation | $2.20 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
TTGT | TechTarget, Inc. | $2.19 B | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
EBS | Emergent BioSolutions Inc. | $2.18 B | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
TOWN | TowneBank | $2.18 B | Financials | Banks |
WRE | Washington Real Estate Investment Trust | $2.18 B | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
DOOR | Masonite International Corporation | $2.17 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
CVCO | Cavco Industries, Inc. | $2.17 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
PDM | Piedmont Office Realty Trust, Inc. | $2.16 B | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
JACK | Jack in the Box Inc. | $2.16 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
TWST | Twist Bioscience Corporation | $2.16 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
SBGI | Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. | $2.13 B | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
PRK | Park National Corporation | $2.13 B | Financials | Banks |
GTN | Gray Television, Inc. | $2.12 B | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
DRH | DiamondRock Hospitality Company | $2.12 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
CAKE | The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated | $2.11 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
CSGS | CSG Systems International, Inc. | $2.11 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
LOB | Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. | $2.10 B | Financials | Banks |
MMI | Marcus & Millichap, Inc. | $2.10 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
GMS | GMS Inc. | $2.09 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
SASR | Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. | $2.09 B | Financials | Banks |
CMRE | Costamare Inc. | $2.09 B | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
RAVN | Raven Industries, Inc. | $2.09 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
SJW | SJW Group | $2.09 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
ARCH | Arch Resources, Inc. | $2.09 B | Energy | Thermal Coal |
NEX | NexTier Oilfield Solutions Inc. | $2.09 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
FCPT | Four Corners Property Trust, Inc. | $2.09 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
NVEE | NV5 Global, Inc. | $2.08 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
PING | Ping Identity Holding Corp. | $2.08 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
B | Barnes Group Inc. | $2.08 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
PRGS | Progress Software Corporation | $2.08 B | Technology | Software—Application |
GOGO | Gogo Inc. | $2.08 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
OI | O-I Glass, Inc. | $2.07 B | Consumer Discretionary | Packaging & Containers |
MNR | Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corporation | $2.06 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
FBK | FB Financial Corporation | $2.06 B | Financials | Banks |
ARCB | ArcBest Corporation | $2.06 B | Industrials | Trucking |
NK | NantKwest, Inc. | $2.05 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PRAA | PRA Group, Inc. | $2.05 B | Financials | Credit Services |
MWA | Mueller Water Products, Inc. | $2.05 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
FSS | Federal Signal Corporation | $2.05 B | Industrials | Pollution & Treatment Controls |
NPO | EnPro Industries, Inc. | $2.05 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
MGRC | McGrath RentCorp | $2.05 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
CNK | Cinemark Holdings, Inc. | $2.04 B | Communication Services | Entertainment |
EPC | Edgewell Personal Care Company | $2.03 B | Consumer Staples | Household & Personal Products |
JELD | JELD-WEN Holding, Inc. | $2.03 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
DDD | 3D Systems Corporation | $2.03 B | Technology | Computer Hardware |
IRWD | Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $2.03 B | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
ARI | Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc. | $2.02 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
HOPE | Hope Bancorp, Inc. | $2.01 B | Financials | Banks |
BANR | Banner Corporation | $2.00 B | Financials | Banks |
CRS | Carpenter Technology Corporation | $2.00 B | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
MD | MEDNAX, Inc. | $2.00 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
MED | Medifast, Inc. | $1.99 B | Consumer Discretionary | Personal Services |
KN | Knowles Corporation | $1.99 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
HTLF | Heartland Financial USA, Inc. | $1.99 B | Financials | Banks |
KRG | Kite Realty Group Trust | $1.95 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
BLMN | Bloomin' Brands, Inc. | $1.95 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
PIPR | Piper Sandler Companies | $1.95 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
ECPG | Encore Capital Group, Inc. | $1.94 B | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
ANF | Abercrombie & Fitch Co. | $1.94 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
IDCC | InterDigital, Inc. | $1.94 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
VGR | Vector Group Ltd. | $1.93 B | Consumer Staples | Tobacco |
TGH | Textainer Group Holdings Limited | $1.93 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
SMCI | Super Micro Computer, Inc. | $1.93 B | Technology | Computer Hardware |
CUB | Cubic Corporation | $1.93 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
TSE | Trinseo SA | $1.92 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
HCC | Warrior Met Coal, Inc. | $1.92 B | Basic Materials | Coking Coal |
WMK | Weis Markets, Inc. | $1.91 B | Consumer Staples | Grocery Stores |
RNST | Renasant Corporation | $1.91 B | Financials | Banks |
BKE | The Buckle, Inc. | $1.91 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
AKR | Acadia Realty Trust | $1.91 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
TRMK | Trustmark Corporation | $1.90 B | Financials | Banks |
VSTO | Vista Outdoor Inc. | $1.90 B | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
VIE | Viela Bio, Inc. | $1.90 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SBCF | Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida | $1.90 B | Financials | Banks |
CDNA | CareDx, Inc | $1.90 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
VRTV | Veritiv Corporation | $1.90 B | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
CTRE | CareTrust REIT, Inc. | $1.89 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
RILY | B. Riley Financial, Inc. | $1.89 B | Financials | Financial Conglomerates |
GNW | Genworth Financial, Inc. | $1.89 B | Financials | Insurance—Life |
FIT | Fitbit, Inc. | $1.89 B | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
SPNS | Sapiens International Corporation N.V. | $1.89 B | Technology | Software—Application |
PQG | PQ Group Holdings Inc. | $1.88 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
VBTX | Veritex Holdings, Inc. | $1.87 B | Financials | Banks |
PACB | Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. | $1.87 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
MYGN | Myriad Genetics, Inc. | $1.86 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
WWW | Wolverine World Wide, Inc. | $1.85 B | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
GSKY | GreenSky, Inc. | $1.85 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
GWB | Great Western Bancorp, Inc. | $1.85 B | Financials | Banks |
CTB | Cooper Tire & Rubber Company | $1.85 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
CSWI | CSW Industrials, Inc. | $1.85 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
LKFN | Lakeland Financial Corporation | $1.85 B | Financials | Banks |
MGPI | MGP Ingredients, Inc. | $1.85 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
KRO | Kronos Worldwide, Inc. | $1.84 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
RLGY | Realogy Holdings Corp. | $1.84 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
SAH | Sonic Automotive, Inc. | $1.84 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto & Truck Dealerships |
WGO | Winnebago Industries, Inc. | $1.84 B | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
CCS | Century Communities, Inc. | $1.83 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
RDFN | Redfin Corporation | $1.83 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
NTB | The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Limited | $1.83 B | Financials | Banks |
LGND | Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated | $1.82 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MSEX | Middlesex Water Company | $1.82 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
ESE | ESCO Technologies Inc. | $1.82 B | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
MFA | MFA Financial, Inc. | $1.81 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
EGBN | Eagle Bancorp, Inc. | $1.81 B | Financials | Banks |
FOE | Ferro Corporation | $1.81 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
OSTK |, Inc. | $1.81 B | Consumer Discretionary | Internet Retail |
EGOV | NIC Inc. | $1.80 B | Technology | Software—Application |
UCTT | Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc. | $1.80 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
XPER | Xperi Holding Corporation | $1.80 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
ICFI | ICF International, Inc. | $1.80 B | Industrials | Consulting Services |
EVRI | Everi Holdings Inc. | $1.80 B | Consumer Discretionary | Gambling |
AMCX | AMC Networks Inc. | $1.79 B | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
DEA | Easterly Government Properties, Inc. | $1.79 B | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
FRO | Frontline Ltd. | $1.79 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Midstream |
PFS | Provident Financial Services, Inc. | $1.79 B | Financials | Banks |
BGS | B&G Foods, Inc. | $1.79 B | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
ZNTL | Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $1.79 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VRTS | Virtus Investment Partners, Inc. | $1.79 B | Financials | Asset Management |
RVMD | Revolution Medicines, Inc. | $1.78 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IRBT | iRobot Corporation | $1.78 B | Technology | Consumer Electronics |
SBH | Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. | $1.78 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
FLGT | Fulgent Genetics, Inc. | $1.78 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
VCEL | Vericel Corporation | $1.78 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
INFN | Infinera Corporation | $1.78 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
TBIO | Translate Bio, Inc. | $1.77 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NWBI | Northwest Bancshares, Inc. | $1.77 B | Financials | Banks |
BSIG | BrightSphere Investment Group Inc. | $1.77 B | Financials | Asset Management |
ZUO | Zuora, Inc. | $1.76 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
CDLX | Cardlytics, Inc. | $1.76 B | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
HMN | Horace Mann Educators Corporation | $1.75 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
NMIH | NMI Holdings, Inc. | $1.75 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
FRG | Franchise Group, Inc. | $1.74 B | Consumer Discretionary | Personal Services |
SSP | The E.W. Scripps Company | $1.74 B | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
LNN | Lindsay Corporation | $1.73 B | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
CATM | Cardtronics plc | $1.73 B | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
STAR | iStar Inc. | $1.73 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
AMPH | Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $1.73 B | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
MTRN | Materion Corporation | $1.72 B | Basic Materials | Other Industrial Metals & Mining |
EAT | Brinker International, Inc. | $1.72 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
GBX | The Greenbrier Companies, Inc. | $1.72 B | Industrials | Railroads |
CASH | Meta Financial Group, Inc. | $1.72 B | Financials | Banks |
QADA | QAD Inc. | $1.72 B | Technology | Software—Application |
INT | World Fuel Services Corporation | $1.72 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
CUBI | Customers Bancorp, Inc. | $1.72 B | Financials | Banks |
MEI | Methode Electronics, Inc. | $1.71 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
VCYT | Veracyte, Inc. | $1.71 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
RCII | Rent-A-Center, Inc. | $1.71 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
AIR | AAR Corp. | $1.70 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
SKT | Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, Inc. | $1.70 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
ALG | Alamo Group Inc. | $1.70 B | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
CLNE | Clean Energy Fuels Corp. | $1.70 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
ANDE | The Andersons, Inc. | $1.69 B | Consumer Staples | Food Distribution |
FCEL | FuelCell Energy, Inc. | $1.69 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
CLI | Mack-Cali Realty Corporation | $1.69 B | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
ALEX | Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. | $1.69 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
BGCP | BGC Partners, Inc. | $1.68 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
IMKTA | Ingles Markets, Incorporated | $1.68 B | Consumer Staples | Grocery Stores |
TGI | Triumph Group, Inc. | $1.68 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
STC | Stewart Information Services Corporation | $1.68 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
PMT | PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust | $1.68 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
SUPN | Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $1.67 B | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
STRA | Strategic Education, Inc. | $1.66 B | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
CCXI | ChemoCentryx, Inc. | $1.65 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GDEN | Golden Entertainment, Inc. | $1.65 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
CMPR | Cimpress plc | $1.64 B | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
LPSN | LivePerson, Inc. | $1.63 B | Technology | Software—Application |
BCEI | Bonanza Creek Energy, Inc. | $1.63 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
HNI | HNI Corporation | $1.63 B | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
KDMN | Kadmon Holdings, Inc. | $1.63 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NWN | Northwest Natural Holding Company | $1.62 B | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
AMK | AssetMark Financial Holdings, Inc. | $1.62 B | Financials | Asset Management |
GNL | Global Net Lease, Inc. | $1.61 B | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
USNA | USANA Health Sciences, Inc. | $1.61 B | Consumer Staples | Household & Personal Products |
MODV | ModivCare Inc. | $1.60 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
WABC | Westamerica Bancorporation | $1.60 B | Financials | Banks |
KFRC | Kforce Inc. | $1.59 B | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
TTMI | TTM Technologies, Inc. | $1.59 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
MCRI | Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc. | $1.59 B | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
FRTA | Forterra, Inc. | $1.59 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
PACK | Ranpak Holdings Corp. | $1.59 B | Consumer Discretionary | Packaging & Containers |
CYRX | Cryoport, Inc. | $1.59 B | Industrials | Integrated Freight & Logistics |
AVID | Avid Technology, Inc. | $1.58 B | Communication Services | Electronic Gaming & Multimedia |
WDR | Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. | $1.58 B | Financials | Asset Management |
HOME | At Home Group Inc. | $1.58 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
AVNS | Avanos Medical, Inc. | $1.57 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
PRTA | Prothena Corporation plc | $1.57 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CNST | Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $1.57 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MYRG | MYR Group Inc. | $1.57 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
NBTB | NBT Bancorp Inc. | $1.57 B | Financials | Banks |
HEES | H&E Equipment Services, Inc. | $1.56 B | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
OXM | Oxford Industries, Inc. | $1.56 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Manufacturing |
TVTY | Tivity Health, Inc. | $1.56 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
GPRE | Green Plains Inc. | $1.55 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
OII | Oceaneering International, Inc. | $1.55 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
VRTU | Virtusa Corporation | $1.55 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
MDGL | Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $1.55 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ONEM | 1Life Healthcare, Inc. | $1.54 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
LADR | Ladder Capital Corp | $1.54 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
LTC | LTC Properties, Inc. | $1.54 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
OSIS | OSI Systems, Inc. | $1.54 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
CYH | Community Health Systems, Inc. | $1.54 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
NVTA | Invitae Corporation | $1.53 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
TWO | Two Harbors Investment Corp. | $1.53 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
ILPT | Industrial Logistics Properties Trust | $1.53 B | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
TEN | Tenneco Inc. | $1.53 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
DK | Delek US Holdings, Inc. | $1.53 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
TBBK | The Bancorp, Inc. | $1.53 B | Financials | Banks |
PLMR | Palomar Holdings, Inc. | $1.53 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
SYKE | Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated | $1.53 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
MRTN | Marten Transport, Ltd. | $1.53 B | Industrials | Trucking |
MGNI | Magnite, Inc. | $1.52 B | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
CFFN | Capitol Federal Financial, Inc. | $1.52 B | Financials | Banks |
MNRL | Brigham Minerals, Inc. | $1.52 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
EXTR | Extreme Networks, Inc. | $1.52 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
KALU | Kaiser Aluminum Corporation | $1.52 B | Basic Materials | Aluminum |
AXSM | Axsome Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.52 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ISEE | IVERIC bio, Inc. | $1.52 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NSTG | NanoString Technologies, Inc. | $1.52 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GLUU | Glu Mobile Inc. | $1.52 B | Communication Services | Electronic Gaming & Multimedia |
BHLB | Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc. | $1.51 B | Financials | Banks |
GVA | Granite Construction Incorporated | $1.51 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
ATGE | Adtalem Global Education Inc. | $1.51 B | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
BATRK | The Liberty Braves Group | $1.50 B | Communication Services | Entertainment |
BATRA | The Liberty Braves Group | $1.50 B | Communication Services | Entertainment |
PLUS | ePlus inc. | $1.50 B | Technology | Software—Application |
GDOT | Green Dot Corporation | $1.50 B | Financials | Credit Services |
WOW | WideOpenWest, Inc. | $1.49 B | Communication Services | Entertainment |
XNCR | Xencor, Inc. | $1.49 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
KRA | Kraton Corporation | $1.49 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
MNRO | Monro, Inc. | $1.49 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
LC | LendingClub Corporation | $1.49 B | Financials | Credit Services |
TNC | Tennant Company | $1.49 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
UVV | Universal Corporation | $1.47 B | Consumer Staples | Tobacco |
ARGO | Argo Group International Holdings, Ltd. | $1.47 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
ASIX | AdvanSix Inc. | $1.47 B | Basic Materials | Chemicals |
SNEX | StoneX Group Inc. | $1.47 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
EFSC | Enterprise Financial Services Corp | $1.47 B | Financials | Banks |
ECOL | US Ecology, Inc. | $1.47 B | Industrials | Waste Management |
SVC | Service Properties Trust | $1.46 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
XPEL | XPEL, Inc. | $1.46 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
AROC | Archrock, Inc. | $1.46 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
FCF | First Commonwealth Financial Corporation | $1.46 B | Financials | Banks |
LRN | Stride, Inc. | $1.46 B | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
BBIO | BridgeBio Pharma, Inc. | $1.46 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GES | Guess', Inc. | $1.46 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
AOSL | Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited | $1.45 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
PUMP | ProPetro Holding Corp. | $1.45 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
DCOM | Dime Community Bancshares, Inc. | $1.45 B | Financials | Banks |
SCHN | Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. | $1.45 B | Basic Materials | Steel |
NYMT | New York Mortgage Trust, Inc. | $1.44 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
LORL | Loral Space & Communications Inc. | $1.44 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
KRYS | Krystal Biotech, Inc. | $1.44 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SYX | Systemax Inc. | $1.44 B | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
PI | Impinj, Inc. | $1.44 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
UIS | Unisys Corporation | $1.44 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
SAVA | Cassava Sciences, Inc. | $1.43 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SKYW | SkyWest, Inc. | $1.43 B | Industrials | Airlines |
PRA | ProAssurance Corporation | $1.42 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
HSKA | Heska Corporation | $1.42 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
ENVA | Enova International, Inc. | $1.42 B | Financials | Credit Services |
PATK | Patrick Industries, Inc. | $1.42 B | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
BV | BrightView Holdings, Inc. | $1.42 B | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
ENTA | Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $1.42 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
COHU | Cohu, Inc. | $1.41 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
PRLB | Proto Labs, Inc. | $1.41 B | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
ADUS | Addus HomeCare Corporation | $1.41 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
ROCK | Gibraltar Industries, Inc. | $1.41 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
CRNC | Cerence Inc. | $1.41 B | Technology | Software—Application |
SLCA | U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. | $1.41 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
SCS | Steelcase Inc. | $1.41 B | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
SAFT | Safety Insurance Group, Inc. | $1.40 B | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
OFG | OFG Bancorp | $1.40 B | Financials | Banks |
TRS | TriMas Corporation | $1.40 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
SYBT | Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc. | $1.39 B | Financials | Banks |
SCHL | Scholastic Corporation | $1.39 B | Communication Services | Publishing |
NEO | NeoGenomics, Inc. | $1.38 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
NXGN | NextGen Healthcare, Inc. | $1.38 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
VVNT | Vivint Smart Home, Inc. | $1.38 B | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
SFL | SFL Corporation Ltd. | $1.38 B | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
CORE | Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc. | $1.38 B | Consumer Staples | Food Distribution |
CNXN | PC Connection, Inc. | $1.38 B | Technology | Electronics & Computer Distribution |
BUSE | First Busey Corporation | $1.38 B | Financials | Banks |
MORF | Morphic Holding, Inc. | $1.37 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
HCSG | Healthcare Services Group, Inc. | $1.37 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
RVNC | Revance Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.37 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VECO | Veeco Instruments Inc. | $1.37 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
FFG | FBL Financial Group, Inc. | $1.37 B | Financials | Insurance—Life |
RGNX | REGENXBIO Inc. | $1.36 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
EB | Eventbrite, Inc. | $1.36 B | Technology | Software—Application |
DIN | Dine Brands Global, Inc. | $1.35 B | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
EIGI | Endurance International Group Holdings, Inc. | $1.34 B | Technology | Software—Application |
PRO | PROS Holdings, Inc. | $1.34 B | Technology | Software—Application |
INVA | Innoviva, Inc. | $1.34 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SILK | Silk Road Medical, Inc | $1.33 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
EGHT | 8x8, Inc. | $1.33 B | Technology | Software—Application |
ROAD | Construction Partners, Inc. | $1.33 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
EPAC | Enerpac Tool Group Corp. | $1.33 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
ELF | e.l.f. Beauty, Inc. | $1.32 B | Consumer Staples | Household & Personal Products |
SBSI | Southside Bancshares, Inc. | $1.32 B | Financials | Banks |
GTY | Getty Realty Corp. | $1.31 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
UUUU | Energy Fuels Inc. | $1.31 B | Energy | Uranium |
ALX | Alexander's, Inc. | $1.31 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
DRQ | Dril-Quip, Inc. | $1.31 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
CXW | CoreCivic, Inc. | $1.31 B | Real Estate | REIT—Specialty |
PLT | Plantronics, Inc. | $1.31 B | Technology | Communication Equipment |
LMNX | Luminex Corporation | $1.31 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
RPAY | Repay Holdings Corporation | $1.30 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
NBR | Nabors Industries Ltd. | $1.30 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Drilling |
PRIM | Primoris Services Corporation | $1.30 B | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
MEG | Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. | $1.30 B | Industrials | Waste Management |
OFLX | Omega Flex, Inc. | $1.30 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
APTS | Preferred Apartment Communities, Inc. | $1.29 B | Real Estate | REIT—Residential |
RYI | Ryerson Holding Corporation | $1.29 B | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
MLAB | Mesa Laboratories, Inc. | $1.29 B | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
USPH | U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. | $1.29 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
BIG | Big Lots, Inc. | $1.29 B | Consumer Staples | Discount Stores |
MHO | M/I Homes, Inc. | $1.29 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
ECHO | Echo Global Logistics, Inc. | $1.28 B | Industrials | Integrated Freight & Logistics |
CSR | Investors Real Estate Trust (Renamed Centerspace) | $1.28 B | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
DLX | Deluxe Corporation | $1.28 B | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
CNOB | ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc. | $1.28 B | Financials | Banks |
PHR | Phreesia, Inc. | $1.28 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
GPRO | GoPro, Inc. | $1.27 B | Technology | Consumer Electronics |
OPI | Office Properties Income Trust | $1.27 B | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
CDXS | Codexis, Inc. | $1.27 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
KROS | Keros Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.26 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
STNG | Scorpio Tankers Inc. | $1.26 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Midstream |
TGTX | TG Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.26 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
WRLD | World Acceptance Corporation | $1.26 B | Financials | Credit Services |
DNOW | NOW Inc. | $1.26 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
ATRI | Atrion Corporation | $1.26 B | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
SHYF | The Shyft Group, Inc. | $1.25 B | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
TALO | Talos Energy Inc. | $1.25 B | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
BKD | Brookdale Senior Living Inc. | $1.25 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
GIII | G-III Apparel Group, Ltd. | $1.25 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
NBHC | National Bank Holdings Corporation | $1.25 B | Financials | Banks |
BRKL | Brookline Bancorp, Inc. | $1.24 B | Financials | Banks |
KAMN | Kaman Corporation | $1.24 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
APOG | Apogee Enterprises, Inc. | $1.24 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
FDP | Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. | $1.24 B | Consumer Staples | Farm Products |
TPTX | Turning Point Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.24 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CEIX | CONSOL Energy Inc. | $1.24 B | Energy | Thermal Coal |
AMRS | Amyris, Inc. | $1.23 B | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
SPTN | SpartanNash Company | $1.23 B | Consumer Staples | Food Distribution |
CHCO | City Holding Company | $1.23 B | Financials | Banks |
RWT | Redwood Trust, Inc. | $1.23 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
ALLO | Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.23 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SGH | SMART Global Holdings, Inc. | $1.23 B | Technology | Semiconductors |
CDMO | Avid Bioservices, Inc. | $1.22 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BFS | Saul Centers, Inc. | $1.22 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
SNBR | Sleep Number Corporation | $1.22 B | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
SXI | Standex International Corporation | $1.22 B | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
OCFC | OceanFirst Financial Corp. | $1.22 B | Financials | Banks |
CUTR | Cutera, Inc. | $1.21 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
CHEF | The Chefs' Warehouse, Inc. | $1.21 B | Consumer Staples | Food Distribution |
DVAX | Dynavax Technologies Corporation | $1.21 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LZB | La-Z-Boy Incorporated | $1.21 B | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
EIG | Employers Holdings, Inc. | $1.21 B | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
EDIT | Editas Medicine, Inc. | $1.21 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ACEL | Accel Entertainment, Inc. | $1.20 B | Consumer Discretionary | Gambling |
EBSB | Meridian Bancorp, Inc. | $1.20 B | Financials | Banks |
AZZ | AZZ Inc. | $1.20 B | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
CMCO | Columbus McKinnon Corporation | $1.20 B | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
AMTB | Amerant Bancorp Inc. | $1.20 B | Financials | Banks |
KREF | KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc. | $1.19 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
MBIN | Merchants Bancorp | $1.19 B | Financials | Banks |
FBNC | First Bancorp | $1.18 B | Financials | Banks |
DOMO | Domo, Inc. | $1.18 B | Technology | Software—Application |
BRMK | Broadmark Realty Capital Inc. | $1.18 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
PCVX | Vaxcyte, Inc. | $1.18 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
TCBK | TriCo Bancshares | $1.18 B | Financials | Banks |
AGM | Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation | $1.18 B | Financials | Credit Services |
SHEN | Shenandoah Telecommunications Company | $1.18 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
MBUU | Malibu Boats, Inc. | $1.18 B | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
IMAX | IMAX Corporation | $1.17 B | Communication Services | Entertainment |
GFF | Griffon Corporation | $1.17 B | Industrials | Tools & Accessories |
UMH | UMH Properties, Inc. | $1.17 B | Real Estate | REIT—Residential |
SRCE | 1st Source Corporation | $1.16 B | Financials | Banks |
STBA | S&T Bancorp, Inc. | $1.15 B | Financials | Banks |
NGM | NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. | $1.15 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ERII | Energy Recovery, Inc. | $1.14 B | Industrials | Pollution & Treatment Controls |
TMP | Tompkins Financial Corporation | $1.14 B | Financials | Banks |
HTLD | Heartland Express, Inc. | $1.14 B | Industrials | Trucking |
CDE | Coeur Mining, Inc. | $1.13 B | Basic Materials | Gold |
RPT | RPT Realty | $1.13 B | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
MTSC | MTS Systems Corporation | $1.13 B | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
CSTL | Castle Biosciences, Inc. | $1.13 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
ITOS | iTeos Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.13 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
RC | Ready Capital Corporation | $1.13 B | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
RDNT | RadNet, Inc. | $1.13 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
PFC | Premier Financial Corp. | $1.13 B | Financials | Banks |
CTS | CTS Corporation | $1.13 B | Technology | Electronic Components |
PFBC | Preferred Bank | $1.12 B | Financials | Banks |
RGR | Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. | $1.12 B | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
IPI | Intrepid Potash, Inc. | $1.12 B | Basic Materials | Agricultural Inputs |
VIVO | Meridian Bioscience, Inc. | $1.12 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
ATEN | A10 Networks, Inc. | $1.12 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
DFIN | Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc. | $1.11 B | Financials | Capital Markets |
PTGX | Protagonist Therapeutics, Inc. | $1.11 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CNDT | Conduent Incorporated | $1.11 B | Technology | Information Technology Services |
VTOL | Bristow Group Inc. | $1.11 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
EVOP | EVO Payments, Inc. | $1.11 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
FGEN | FibroGen, Inc. | $1.11 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
KRNY | Kearny Financial Corp. | $1.10 B | Financials | Banks |
FFWM | First Foundation Inc. | $1.10 B | Financials | Banks |
NHC | National HealthCare Corporation | $1.10 B | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
ACCD | Accolade, Inc. | $1.10 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
SFIX | Stitch Fix, Inc. | $1.10 B | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
ATEC | Alphatec Holdings, Inc. | $1.08 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
FORR | Forrester Research, Inc. | $1.08 B | Industrials | Consulting Services |
SCWX | SecureWorks Corp. | $1.08 B | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
UEC | Uranium Energy Corp. | $1.07 B | Energy | Uranium |
ALEC | Alector, Inc. | $1.07 B | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
HCAT | Health Catalyst, Inc. | $1.07 B | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
PGTI | PGT Innovations, Inc. | $1.06 B | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
MATW | Matthews International Corporation | $1.06 B | Industrials | Conglomerates |
TBI | TrueBlue, Inc. | $1.06 B | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
INN | Summit Hotel Properties, Inc. | $1.06 B | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
KIDS | OrthoPediatrics Corp. | $1.05 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
BY | Byline Bancorp, Inc. | $1.04 B | Financials | Banks |
AVYA | Avaya Holdings Corp. | $1.04 B | Technology | Software—Application |
HMST | HomeStreet, Inc. | $1.03 B | Financials | Banks |
CHCT | Community Healthcare Trust Incorporated | $1.03 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
GABC | German American Bancorp, Inc. | $1.03 B | Financials | Banks |
GRBK | Green Brick Partners, Inc. | $1.02 B | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
DHT | DHT Holdings, Inc. | $1.02 B | Energy | Oil & Gas Midstream |
PLAB | Photronics, Inc. | $1.02 B | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
PDFS | PDF Solutions, Inc. | $1.02 B | Technology | Software—Application |
CLNC | Colony Credit Real Estate, Inc. | $1.02 B | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
QTRX | Quanterix Corporation | $1.01 B | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
HURN | Huron Consulting Group Inc. | $1.01 B | Industrials | Consulting Services |
ATEX | Anterix Inc. | $1.01 B | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
NRC | National Research Corporation | $1.01 B | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
SMP | Standard Motor Products, Inc. | $1.01 B | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
GMRE | Global Medical REIT Inc. | $1.01 B | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
ZUMZ | Zumiez Inc. | $1.01 B | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
PAR | PAR Technology Corporation | $1.01 B | Technology | Software—Application |
BPFH | Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc. | $1.00 B | Financials | Banks |
BANC | Banc of California, Inc. | $1.00 B | Financials | Banks |
ASTE | Astec Industries, Inc. | $999.7 M | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
ESTE | Earthstone Energy, Inc. | $999.5 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
AFIN | American Finance Trust, Inc. | $991.2 M | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
GNMK | GenMark Diagnostics, Inc. | $990.5 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
HA | Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. | $989.7 M | Industrials | Airlines |
MGI | MoneyGram International, Inc. | $988.9 M | Financials | Credit Services |
EBIX | Ebix, Inc. | $988.5 M | Technology | Software—Application |
KURA | Kura Oncology, Inc. | $986.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
HSC | Harsco Corporation | $986.8 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
MRC | MRC Global Inc. | $985.9 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
ASPN | Aspen Aerogels, Inc. | $985.1 M | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
HWKN | Hawkins, Inc. | $981.5 M | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
OEC | Orion Engineered Carbons SA | $980.8 M | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
OBNK | Origin Bancorp, Inc. | $980.4 M | Financials | Banks |
CSV | Carriage Services, Inc. | $975.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Personal Services |
GNK | Genco Shipping & Trading Limited | $974.5 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
CAI | CAI International, Inc. | $970.6 M | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
CARS |, Inc. | $969.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto & Truck Dealerships |
ICHR | Ichor Holdings, Ltd. | $969.1 M | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
ORGO | Organogenesis Holdings Inc. | $968.8 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
RBCAA | Republic Bancorp, Inc. | $968.2 M | Financials | Banks |
GCO | Genesco Inc. | $965.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
DBI | Designer Brands Inc. | $965.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
CHRS | Coherus BioSciences, Inc. | $963.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SLP | Simulations Plus, Inc. | $963.3 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
JBSS | John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. | $961.3 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
RCKT | Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $957.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AC | Associated Capital Group, Inc. | $956.6 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
AGYS | Agilysys, Inc. | $955.1 M | Technology | Software—Application |
TMST | TimkenSteel Corporation | $954.4 M | Basic Materials | Steel |
GRC | The Gorman-Rupp Company | $951.9 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
AMSF | AMERISAFE, Inc. | $949.2 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
YEXT | Yext, Inc. | $944.5 M | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
PAE | PAE Incorporated | $944.1 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
BCOR | Blucora, Inc. | $943.8 M | Financials | Asset Management |
HLIT | Harmonic Inc. | $942.4 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
TUP | Tupperware Brands Corporation | $937.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Packaging & Containers |
GLDD | Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation | $937.0 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
ARQT | Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. | $930.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BMTC | Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation | $929.9 M | Financials | Banks |
XENT | Intersect ENT, Inc. | $927.9 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
LMAT | LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. | $924.5 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
MOV | Movado Group, Inc. | $923.6 M | Consumer Discretionary | Luxury Goods |
WASH | Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. | $922.0 M | Financials | Banks |
MODN | Model N, Inc. | $919.8 M | Technology | Software—Application |
NCBS | Nicolet Bankshares, Inc. | $919.6 M | Financials | Banks |
CPLG | CorePoint Lodging Inc. | $919.4 M | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
PBI | Pitney Bowes Inc. | $917.7 M | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
FARO | FARO Technologies, Inc. | $917.4 M | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
ABTX | Allegiance Bancshares, Inc. | $917.3 M | Financials | Banks |
DENN | Denny's Corporation | $917.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
TRTX | TPG RE Finance Trust, Inc. | $916.9 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
OSW | OneSpaWorld Holdings Limited | $912.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
HFWA | Heritage Financial Corporation | $911.9 M | Financials | Banks |
BHE | Benchmark Electronics, Inc. | $911.0 M | Technology | Electronic Components |
QCRH | QCR Holdings, Inc. | $909.5 M | Financials | Banks |
NTUS | Natus Medical Incorporated | $908.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
AHH | Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc. | $904.6 M | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
MNKD | MannKind Corporation | $904.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CERS | Cerus Corporation | $903.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CEVA | CEVA, Inc. | $902.5 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
JRVR | James River Group Holdings, Ltd. | $901.6 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
SCSC | ScanSource, Inc. | $901.0 M | Technology | Electronics & Computer Distribution |
WTTR | Select Energy Services, Inc. | $899.6 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
CLFD | Clearfield, Inc. | $897.0 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
ADTN | ADTRAN, Inc. | $897.0 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
AXL | American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc. | $894.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
RMAX | RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. | $893.3 M | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
REVG | REV Group, Inc. | $893.1 M | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
WETF | WisdomTree Investments, Inc. | $892.7 M | Financials | Asset Management |
ZGNX | Zogenix, Inc. | $891.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IMGN | ImmunoGen, Inc. | $891.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BRBR | BellRing Brands, Inc. | $890.4 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
NTST | NETSTREIT Corp. | $883.8 M | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
TDW | Tidewater Inc. | $883.1 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
HZO | MarineMax, Inc. | $882.7 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
KZR | Kezar Life Sciences, Inc. | $882.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
TPRE | Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. | $881.7 M | Financials | Insurance—Reinsurance |
IDT | IDT Corporation | $881.3 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
EGLE | Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc. | $879.2 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
VRS | Verso Corporation | $877.9 M | Basic Materials | Paper & Paper Products |
AVXL | Anavex Life Sciences Corp. | $876.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FNKO | Funko, Inc. | $875.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
MCB | Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. | $869.7 M | Financials | Banks |
ATLC | Atlanticus Holdings Corporation | $868.4 M | Financials | Credit Services |
FOR | Forestar Group Inc. | $868.2 M | Real Estate | Real Estate—Development |
CCRN | Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. | $868.0 M | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
SWM | Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. | $867.7 M | Basic Materials | Paper & Paper Products |
BRY | Berry Corporation | $867.5 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
CPRX | Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $867.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AMRK | A-Mark Precious Metals, Inc. | $867.2 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
IIIV | i3 Verticals, Inc. | $865.7 M | Technology | Information Technology Services |
KELYA | Kelly Services, Inc. | $864.9 M | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
CSII | Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. | $863.2 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
LBAI | Lakeland Bancorp, Inc. | $852.4 M | Financials | Banks |
CKH | Seacor Holdings Inc. | $850.4 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
GTS | Triple-S Management Corporation | $845.8 M | Healthcare | Healthcare Plans |
HBNC | Horizon Bancorp, Inc. | $845.2 M | Financials | Banks |
VREX | Varex Imaging Corporation | $842.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
SNDX | Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $836.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AMWD | American Woodmark Corporation | $836.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
GOOD | Gladstone Commercial Corporation | $832.4 M | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
MBI | MBIA Inc. | $831.6 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
CRNX | Crinetics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $830.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IGMS | IGM Biosciences, Inc. | $829.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IHC | Independence Holding Company | $829.9 M | Financials | Insurance—Life |
PRDO | Perdoceo Education Corporation | $827.3 M | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
CLCT | Collectors Universe, Inc. | $827.1 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
FLWS | 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. | $824.7 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
TILE | Interface, Inc. | $824.5 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
CFB | CrossFirst Bankshares, Inc. | $820.8 M | Financials | Banks |
GSBC | Great Southern Bancorp, Inc. | $820.5 M | Financials | Banks |
ANGO | AngioDynamics, Inc. | $819.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
SCU | Sculptor Capital Management, Inc. | $815.5 M | Financials | Asset Management |
IESC | IES Holdings, Inc. | $815.4 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
GEO | The GEO Group, Inc. | $815.1 M | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
CPF | Central Pacific Financial Corp. | $814.2 M | Financials | Banks |
LOVE | The Lovesac Company | $810.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
WINA | Winmark Corporation | $807.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
UHT | Universal Health Realty Income Trust | $806.1 M | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
PARR | Par Pacific Holdings, Inc. | $804.3 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
SGMO | Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc. | $802.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PLOW | Douglas Dynamics, Inc. | $799.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
BAND | Bandwidth Inc. | $799.3 M | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
CCF | Chase Corporation | $797.7 M | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
PAHC | Phibro Animal Health Corporation | $795.2 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
PLYM | Plymouth Industrial REIT, Inc. | $793.8 M | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
EFC | Ellington Financial Inc. | $793.5 M | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
UVSP | Univest Financial Corporation | $792.6 M | Financials | Banks |
NEXT | NextDecade Corporation | $791.6 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
HONE | HarborOne Bancorp, Inc. | $787.7 M | Financials | Banks |
NSSC | Napco Security Technologies, Inc. | $785.8 M | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
UFCS | United Fire Group, Inc. | $785.5 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
HSII | Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. | $785.4 M | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
NWLI | National Western Life Group, Inc. | $784.7 M | Financials | Insurance—Life |
FULC | Fulcrum Therapeutics, Inc. | $782.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
RUTH | Ruth's Hospitality Group, Inc. | $781.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
NPTN | NeoPhotonics Corporation | $781.2 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
JOUT | Johnson Outdoors Inc. | $779.5 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
IMXI | International Money Express, Inc. | $778.6 M | Technology | Information Technology Services |
WNC | Wabash National Corporation | $778.1 M | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
MYE | Myers Industries, Inc. | $775.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Packaging & Containers |
FPRX | Five Prime Therapeutics, Inc. | $774.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CBB | Cincinnati Bell Inc. | $772.4 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
NESR | National Energy Services Reunited Corp. | $768.6 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
HAFC | Hanmi Financial Corporation | $766.8 M | Financials | Banks |
UTL | Unitil Corporation | $765.7 M | Utilities | Utilities—Diversified |
CBTX | CBTX, Inc. | $765.3 M | Financials | Banks |
CRY | CryoLife, Inc. | $764.2 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
PETQ | PetIQ, Inc. | $763.6 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
REPL | Replimune Group, Inc. | $763.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
STRL | Sterling Construction Company, Inc. | $761.8 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
NTGR | NETGEAR, Inc. | $759.9 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
GDYN | Grid Dynamics Holdings, Inc. | $758.4 M | Technology | Information Technology Services |
KNL | Knoll, Inc. | $758.2 M | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
CAL | Caleres, Inc. | $754.6 M | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
DHC | Diversified Healthcare Trust | $754.5 M | Real Estate | REIT—Healthcare Facilities |
DGII | Digi International Inc. | $753.5 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
LIND | Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. | $753.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Travel Services |
ACCO | ACCO Brands Corporation | $750.4 M | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
ATRA | Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc. | $749.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
WW | WW International, Inc. | $746.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Personal Services |
CTBI | Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. | $745.7 M | Financials | Banks |
NFBK | Northfield Bancorp, Inc. (Staten Island, NY) | $745.5 M | Financials | Banks |
PTSI | P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc. | $743.7 M | Industrials | Trucking |
BOMN | Boston Omaha Corporation | $741.6 M | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
COWN | Cowen Inc. | $739.8 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
USCR | U.S. Concrete, Inc. | $738.6 M | Basic Materials | Building Materials |
PLCE | The Children's Place, Inc. | $736.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
HIFS | Hingham Institution for Savings | $736.7 M | Financials | Banks |
AAN | The Aaron's Company, Inc. | $736.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
SXC | SunCoke Energy, Inc. | $735.2 M | Basic Materials | Coking Coal |
VVI | Viad Corp. | $734.9 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
ECOM | ChannelAdvisor Corporation | $734.8 M | Technology | Software—Application |
LASR | nLIGHT, Inc. | $734.4 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
BRG | Bluerock Residential Growth REIT, Inc. | $733.6 M | Real Estate | REIT—Residential |
TMDX | TransMedics Group, Inc. | $730.2 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
HLX | Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. | $727.3 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
SIBN | SI-BONE, Inc. | $726.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
COLL | Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. | $725.2 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
UBA | Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc. | $724.9 M | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
CLAR | Clarus Corporation | $724.2 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
BLFS | BioLife Solutions, Inc. | $723.2 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
INGN | Inogen, Inc. | $717.7 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
ACRE | Ares Commercial Real Estate Corporation | $717.6 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
HNGR | Hanger, Inc. | $717.6 M | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
FBMS | The First Bancshares, Inc. | $714.3 M | Financials | Banks |
HCCI | Heritage-Crystal Clean, Inc | $713.9 M | Industrials | Waste Management |
SP | SP Plus Corporation | $711.0 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
IIIN | Insteel Industries, Inc. | $710.3 M | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
RNA | Avidity Biosciences, Inc. | $708.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FFIC | Flushing Financial Corporation | $707.7 M | Financials | Banks |
LBC | Luther Burbank Corporation | $707.3 M | Financials | Banks |
ARLO | Arlo Technologies, Inc. | $706.9 M | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
INO | Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $706.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CAC | Camden National Corporation | $705.5 M | Financials | Banks |
TCX | Tucows Inc. | $703.9 M | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
HIBB | Hibbett, Inc. | $701.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
FMBH | First Mid Bancshares, Inc. | $701.5 M | Financials | Banks |
ARCT | Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. | $701.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NX | Quanex Building Products Corporation | $699.7 M | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
AMSWA | American Software, Inc. | $696.0 M | Technology | Software—Application |
NP | Neenah, Inc. | $688.5 M | Basic Materials | Paper & Paper Products |
WTRE | Watford Holdings Ltd. | $687.3 M | Financials | Insurance—Diversified |
MCF | Contango Oil & Gas Company | $687.2 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
OSBC | Old Second Bancorp, Inc. | $687.2 M | Financials | Banks |
HCKT | The Hackett Group, Inc. | $686.1 M | Technology | Information Technology Services |
ATRS | Antares Pharma, Inc. | $683.6 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
ANAB | AnaptysBio, Inc. | $682.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
DSKE | Daseke, Inc. | $679.9 M | Industrials | Trucking |
HTBK | Heritage Commerce Corp | $676.6 M | Financials | Banks |
CLDT | Chatham Lodging Trust | $672.4 M | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
FSP | Franklin Street Properties Corp. | $670.7 M | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
USLM | United States Lime & Minerals, Inc. | $670.4 M | Basic Materials | Building Materials |
PGC | Peapack-Gladstone Financial Corporation | $666.7 M | Financials | Banks |
MIRM | Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $663.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
STOK | Stoke Therapeutics, Inc. | $663.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
TBPH | Theravance Biopharma, Inc. | $662.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GCI | Gannett Co., Inc. | $660.0 M | Communication Services | Publishing |
CMO | Capstead Mortgage Corporation | $659.9 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
OLP | One Liberty Properties, Inc. | $659.8 M | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
MSBI | Midland States Bancorp, Inc. | $654.3 M | Financials | Banks |
GOSS | Gossamer Bio, Inc. | $652.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ALXO | ALX Oncology Holdings Inc. | $652.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
KNSA | Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. | $650.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BSTC | BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. | $650.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LLNW | Limelight Networks, Inc. | $648.9 M | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
TITN | Titan Machinery Inc. | $648.9 M | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
LPG | Dorian LPG Ltd. | $647.0 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Midstream |
EGRX | Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $646.6 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
MAXN | Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. | $646.3 M | Technology | Solar |
BJRI | BJ's Restaurants, Inc. | $645.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
OFIX | Orthofix Medical Inc. | $643.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
CNBKA | Century Bancorp, Inc. | $642.1 M | Financials | Banks |
ETM | Entercom Communications Corp. | $641.6 M | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
FC | Franklin Covey Co. | $641.3 M | Industrials | Consulting Services |
CVGW | Calavo Growers, Inc. | $639.8 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
TPB | Turning Point Brands, Inc. | $639.4 M | Consumer Staples | Tobacco |
VALU | Value Line, Inc. | $638.7 M | Financials | Financial Data & Stock Exchanges |
OPRX | OptimizeRx Corporation | $636.2 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
QNST | QuinStreet, Inc. | $635.2 M | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
VNDA | Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. | $635.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GRIF | INDUS Realty Trust, Inc. | $632.4 M | Real Estate | Real Estate—Development |
MITK | Mitek Systems, Inc. | $631.8 M | Technology | Software—Application |
ATNI | ATN International, Inc. | $631.3 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
PZN | Pzena Investment Management, Inc | $630.7 M | Financials | Asset Management |
HSTM | HealthStream, Inc. | $630.0 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
FI | Frank's International N.V. | $629.2 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
TRST | TrustCo Bank Corp NY | $628.9 M | Financials | Banks |
PEBO | Peoples Bancorp Inc. | $628.1 M | Financials | Banks |
RAPT | RAPT Therapeutics, Inc. | $626.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
REAL | The RealReal, Inc. | $626.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
AVD | American Vanguard Corporation | $625.9 M | Basic Materials | Agricultural Inputs |
SRDX | Surmodics, Inc. | $625.8 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
AGX | Argan, Inc. | $624.6 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
BLX | Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A | $622.0 M | Financials | Banks |
AMRX | Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $621.4 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
GPMT | Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc. | $621.1 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
CRAI | CRA International, Inc. | $619.6 M | Industrials | Consulting Services |
MCBS | MetroCity Bankshares, Inc. | $616.6 M | Financials | Banks |
TH | Target Hospitality Corp. | $615.7 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
VRAY | ViewRay, Inc. | $614.7 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
CMBM | Cambium Networks Corporation | $614.5 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
DCO | Ducommun Incorporated | $613.8 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
SRNE | Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. | $612.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MGTX | MeiraGTx Holdings plc | $612.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MCRB | Seres Therapeutics, Inc. | $611.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ARR | ARMOUR Residential REIT, Inc. | $610.8 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
CHS | Chico's FAS, Inc. | $608.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
REX | REX American Resources Corporation | $607.3 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing |
ALTA | Altabancorp | $605.7 M | Financials | Banks |
TSC | TriState Capital Holdings, Inc. | $604.5 M | Financials | Banks |
EOLS | Evolus, Inc. | $602.1 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
TRNS | Transcat, Inc. | $601.8 M | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
QUOT | Quotient Technology Inc. | $601.1 M | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
NRIX | Nurix Therapeutics, Inc. | $600.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
KOP | Koppers Holdings Inc. | $600.1 M | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
DHIL | Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc. | $599.0 M | Financials | Asset Management |
ACBI | Atlantic Capital Bancshares, Inc. | $596.0 M | Financials | Banks |
GBL | GAMCO Investors, Inc. | $595.5 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
ETH | Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. | $592.5 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
CATC | Cambridge Bancorp | $592.4 M | Financials | Banks |
THFF | First Financial Corporation | $591.3 M | Financials | Banks |
BBSI | Barrett Business Services, Inc. | $591.2 M | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
CCB | Coastal Financial Corporation | $587.7 M | Financials | Banks |
VSEC | VSE Corporation | $586.5 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
WKHS | Workhorse Group Inc. | $585.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Manufacturers |
ORBC | ORBCOMM Inc. | $584.3 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
CARA | Cara Therapeutics, Inc. | $583.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MBWM | Mercantile Bank Corporation | $582.4 M | Financials | Banks |
RBNC | Reliant Bancorp, Inc. | $581.2 M | Financials | Banks |
HCI | HCI Group, Inc. | $580.9 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
BOOM | DMC Global Inc. | $579.2 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
NPK | National Presto Industries, Inc. | $568.1 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
WSR | Whitestone REIT | $567.3 M | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
VERI | Veritone, Inc. | $566.2 M | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
AEGN | Aegion Corporation | $565.3 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
SRI | Stoneridge, Inc. | $563.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
SB | Safe Bulkers, Inc. | $563.6 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
BFC | Bank First Corporation | $562.9 M | Financials | Banks |
VXRT | Vaxart, Inc. | $562.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PROS | ProSight Global, Inc. | $561.3 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
AMAL | Amalgamated Bank | $561.2 M | Financials | Banks |
ALBO | Albireo Pharma, Inc. | $560.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BXG | Bluegreen Vacations Corporation | $560.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
GLT | Glatfelter Corporation | $560.3 M | Basic Materials | Paper & Paper Products |
OSPN | OneSpan Inc. | $559.8 M | Technology | Software—Application |
RGP | Resources Connection, Inc. | $559.0 M | Industrials | Consulting Services |
RICK | RCI Hospitality Holdings, Inc. | $556.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
LE | Lands' End, Inc. | $554.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
RYTM | Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $553.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LQDT | Liquidity Services, Inc. | $553.6 M | Consumer Discretionary | Internet Retail |
MCS | The Marcus Corporation | $553.4 M | Communication Services | Entertainment |
YORW | The York Water Company | $552.2 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
TPC | Tutor Perini Corporation | $551.2 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
OPY | Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. | $550.8 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
HY | Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc. | $550.5 M | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
EVC | Entravision Communications Corporation | $548.3 M | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
FRPH | FRP Holdings, Inc. | $547.7 M | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
WTI | W&T Offshore, Inc. | $544.9 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
CURO | CURO Group Holdings Corp. | $543.5 M | Financials | Credit Services |
CRMT | America's Car-Mart, Inc. | $543.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto & Truck Dealerships |
THR | Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. | $542.5 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
HRTX | Heron Therapeutics, Inc. | $540.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CASS | Cass Information Systems, Inc. | $539.2 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
LEGH | Legacy Housing Corporation | $538.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
CHUY | Chuy's Holdings, Inc. | $537.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
SIGA | SIGA Technologies, Inc. | $537.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MOFG | MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc. | $536.4 M | Financials | Banks |
ULH | Universal Logistics Holdings, Inc. | $535.8 M | Industrials | Trucking |
IRMD | IRadimed Corporation | $534.7 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
LDL | Lydall, Inc. | $533.8 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
TPCO | Tribune Publishing Company | $533.7 M | Communication Services | Publishing |
IVR | Invesco Mortgage Capital Inc. | $533.3 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
DSPG | DSP Group, Inc. | $532.7 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
PAND | Pandion Therapeutics, Inc. | $531.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CIR | CIRCOR International, Inc. | $530.4 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
ONEW | OneWater Marine Inc. | $530.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
SRG | Seritage Growth Properties | $528.8 M | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
DXPE | DXP Enterprises, Inc. | $528.4 M | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
GRWG | GrowGeneration Corp. | $527.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Home Improvement Retail |
KRUS | Kura Sushi USA, Inc. | $525.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
GRPN | Groupon, Inc. | $524.5 M | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
DCPH | Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $524.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SOI | Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure, Inc. | $522.5 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
DBD | Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated | $521.9 M | Technology | Software—Application |
IMVT | Immunovant, Inc. | $521.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SWBI | Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. | $520.7 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
RM | Regional Management Corp. | $520.0 M | Financials | Credit Services |
HVT | Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc. | $519.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Home Improvement Retail |
INSW | International Seaways, Inc. | $519.6 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
UPLD | Upland Software, Inc. | $519.5 M | Technology | Software—Application |
TPIC | TPI Composites, Inc. | $519.2 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
MTW | The Manitowoc Company, Inc. | $519.0 M | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
HAYN | Haynes International, Inc. | $514.7 M | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
KPTI | Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. | $514.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
WIFI | Boingo Wireless, Inc. | $513.9 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
AGEN | Agenus Inc. | $513.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PNTG | The Pennant Group, Inc. | $511.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
XONE | The ExOne Company | $511.0 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
DX | Dynex Capital, Inc. | $509.4 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
UFPT | UFP Technologies, Inc. | $509.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Packaging & Containers |
BFST | Business First Bancshares, Inc. | $507.3 M | Financials | Banks |
RMR | The RMR Group Inc. | $506.3 M | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
PETS | PetMed Express, Inc. | $506.0 M | Healthcare | Pharmaceutical Retailers |
RMNI | Rimini Street, Inc. | $505.4 M | Technology | Software—Application |
KODK | Eastman Kodak Company | $505.4 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
ENDP | Endo International plc | $505.1 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
HBT | HBT Financial, Inc. | $504.6 M | Financials | Banks |
KE | Kimball Electronics, Inc. | $503.5 M | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
AROW | Arrow Financial Corporation | $502.3 M | Financials | Banks |
MVBF | MVB Financial Corp. | $502.1 M | Financials | Banks |
MGNX | MacroGenics, Inc. | $501.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BLBD | Blue Bird Corporation | $500.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Manufacturers |
BZH | Beazer Homes USA, Inc. | $500.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Residential Construction |
YMAB | Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Inc. | $496.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
RIGL | Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $495.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
JYNT | The Joint Corp. | $495.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
HTBI | HomeTrust Bancshares, Inc. | $495.0 M | Financials | Banks |
ICPT | Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $494.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CPSI | Computer Programs and Systems, Inc. | $493.1 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
WSBF | Waterstone Financial, Inc. | $491.6 M | Financials | Banks |
FMNB | Farmers National Banc Corp. | $490.4 M | Financials | Banks |
BTAI | BioXcel Therapeutics, Inc. | $490.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
EBF | Ennis, Inc. | $489.6 M | Industrials | Business Equipment & Supplies |
AFMD | Affimed N.V. | $488.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AKRO | Akero Therapeutics, Inc. | $486.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FISI | Financial Institutions, Inc. | $486.3 M | Financials | Banks |
RAD | Rite Aid Corporation | $485.7 M | Healthcare | Pharmaceutical Retailers |
FOSL | Fossil Group, Inc. | $485.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Luxury Goods |
LXFR | Luxfer Holdings PLC | $483.8 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
FCBC | First Community Bankshares, Inc. | $483.3 M | Financials | Banks |
ZIXI | Zix Corporation | $483.3 M | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
BDGE | Bridge Bancorp, Inc. | $482.7 M | Financials | Banks |
EBTC | Enterprise Bancorp, Inc. | $482.2 M | Financials | Banks |
VITL | Vital Farms, Inc. | $481.6 M | Consumer Staples | Farm Products |
FMAO | Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc. | $480.8 M | Financials | Banks |
IBCP | Independent Bank Corporation | $480.7 M | Financials | Banks |
SPFI | South Plains Financial, Inc. | $480.4 M | Financials | Banks |
OSUR | OraSure Technologies, Inc. | $480.0 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
AMBC | Ambac Financial Group, Inc. | $478.4 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
TRC | Tejon Ranch Co. | $477.7 M | Industrials | Conglomerates |
BMRC | Bank of Marin Bancorp | $473.9 M | Financials | Banks |
SENEA | Seneca Foods Corporation | $473.3 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
MOD | Modine Manufacturing Company | $472.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
RUBY | Rubius Therapeutics, Inc. | $471.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CNSL | Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc. | $470.3 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
MCFT | MasterCraft Boat Holdings, Inc. | $470.2 M | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
CSTR | Capstar Financial Holdings, Inc. | $469.8 M | Financials | Banks |
SPWH | Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc. | $469.7 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
BH.A | Biglari Holdings Inc. | $469.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
BH | Biglari Holdings Inc. | $469.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
ALRS | Alerus Financial Corporation | $468.3 M | Financials | Banks |
RBB | RBB Bancorp | $467.3 M | Financials | Banks |
CLW | Clearwater Paper Corporation | $465.4 M | Basic Materials | Paper & Paper Products |
EQBK | Equity Bancshares, Inc. | $464.6 M | Financials | Banks |
FLIC | The First of Long Island Corporation | $463.2 M | Financials | Banks |
BRT | BRT Apartments Corp. | $462.9 M | Real Estate | REIT—Residential |
ARTNA | Artesian Resources Corporation | $462.1 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
FLXN | Flexion Therapeutics, Inc. | $461.0 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
BWB | Bridgewater Bancshares, Inc. | $460.1 M | Financials | Banks |
STXB | Spirit of Texas Bancshares, Inc. | $458.3 M | Financials | Banks |
TACO | Del Taco Restaurants, Inc. | $458.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
WTBA | West Bancorporation, Inc. | $455.1 M | Financials | Banks |
CARE | Carter Bankshares, Inc. | $455.0 M | Financials | Banks |
CONN | Conn's, Inc. | $454.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
DMRC | Digimarc Corporation | $454.8 M | Technology | Information Technology Services |
EVER | EverQuote, Inc. | $453.5 M | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
FMTX | Forma Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. | $452.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VEC | Vectrus, Inc. | $451.7 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
RBBN | Ribbon Communications Inc. | $449.3 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
SMBC | Southern Missouri Bancorp, Inc. | $448.9 M | Financials | Banks |
CCNE | CNB Financial Corporation | $447.7 M | Financials | Banks |
SOLY | Soliton, Inc. | $444.9 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
NGVC | Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. | $444.8 M | Consumer Staples | Grocery Stores |
VPG | Vishay Precision Group, Inc. | $441.8 M | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
CRD.A | Crawford & Company | $440.6 M | Financials | Insurance Brokers |
CCBG | Capital City Bank Group, Inc. | $440.6 M | Financials | Banks |
REV | Revlon, Inc. | $440.2 M | Consumer Staples | Household & Personal Products |
SNR | New Senior Investment Group Inc. | $440.0 M | Real Estate | REIT—Residential |
SRRK | Scholar Rock Holding Corporation | $438.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GERN | Geron Corporation | $437.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
OIS | Oil States International, Inc. | $435.9 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
PRVB | Provention Bio, Inc. | $434.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ALVR | AlloVir, Inc. | $433.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
RLMD | Relmada Therapeutics, Inc. | $432.4 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
SLQT | SelectQuote, Inc. | $432.3 M | Financials | Insurance Brokers |
ALTG | Alta Equipment Group Inc. | $431.9 M | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
GNTY | Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. | $431.6 M | Financials | Banks |
AMOT | Allied Motion Technologies Inc. | $430.1 M | Technology | Electronic Components |
INBK | First Internet Bancorp | $429.7 M | Financials | Banks |
SMBK | SmartFinancial, Inc. | $428.1 M | Financials | Banks |
FPI | Farmland Partners Inc. | $427.5 M | Real Estate | REIT—Specialty |
MPB | Mid Penn Bancorp, Inc. | $426.2 M | Financials | Banks |
LL | Lumber Liquidators Holdings, Inc. | $425.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Home Improvement Retail |
DJCO | Daily Journal Corporation | $424.8 M | Communication Services | Publishing |
BHB | Bar Harbor Bankshares | $424.8 M | Financials | Banks |
TIPT | Tiptree Inc. | $424.7 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
SCVL | Shoe Carnival, Inc. | $424.6 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
UVE | Universal Insurance Holdings, Inc. | $424.3 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
UEIC | Universal Electronics Inc. | $422.4 M | Technology | Consumer Electronics |
FF | FutureFuel Corp. | $421.5 M | Basic Materials | Chemicals |
RYAM | Rayonier Advanced Materials Inc. | $418.6 M | Basic Materials | Chemicals |
AMNB | American National Bankshares Inc. | $418.2 M | Financials | Banks |
CMTL | Comtech Telecommunications Corp. | $417.6 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
PVAC | Penn Virginia Corporation | $417.0 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
LOCO | El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc. | $416.6 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
BNFT | Benefitfocus, Inc. | $416.5 M | Technology | Software—Application |
AERI | Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $416.1 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
PHAT | Phathom Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $414.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
DGICA | Donegal Group Inc. | $413.5 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
VBIV | VBI Vaccines Inc. | $411.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
TG | Tredegar Corporation | $410.6 M | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
CIO | City Office REIT, Inc. | $408.8 M | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
TCS | The Container Store Group, Inc. | $408.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
SFST | Southern First Bancshares, Inc. | $407.8 M | Financials | Banks |
HBMD | Howard Bancorp, Inc. | $406.8 M | Financials | Banks |
TCDA | Tricida, Inc. | $406.0 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
LAND | Gladstone Land Corporation | $405.5 M | Real Estate | REIT—Industrial |
ZEUS | Olympic Steel, Inc. | $404.7 M | Basic Materials | Steel |
ENOB | Enochian Biosciences, Inc. | $404.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
DLTH | Duluth Holdings Inc. | $403.6 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
CTT | CatchMark Timber Trust, Inc. | $403.5 M | Real Estate | REIT—Specialty |
INSG | Inseego Corp. | $403.1 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
SHBI | Shore Bancshares, Inc. | $402.8 M | Financials | Banks |
PGEN | Precigen, Inc. | $400.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SPNE | SeaSpine Holdings Corporation | $399.9 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
ATRO | Astronics Corporation | $399.2 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
CTO | CTO Realty Growth, Inc. | $397.5 M | Real Estate | Real Estate—Development |
OPRT | Oportun Financial Corporation | $393.9 M | Financials | Credit Services |
TRUE | TrueCar, Inc. | $393.3 M | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
TCMD | Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. | $393.0 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
DMTK | DermTech, Inc. | $393.0 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
MPX | Marine Products Corporation | $392.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Recreational Vehicles |
PRPL | Purple Innovation, Inc. | $391.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
RRBI | Red River Bancshares, Inc. | $391.0 M | Financials | Banks |
CZNC | Citizens & Northern Corporation | $390.6 M | Financials | Banks |
PRTH | Priority Technology Holdings, Inc. | $390.0 M | Technology | Information Technology Services |
APEI | American Public Education, Inc. | $388.8 M | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
SPKE | Spark Energy, Inc. | $388.6 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Electric |
BSRR | Sierra Bancorp | $388.4 M | Financials | Banks |
RDUS | Radius Health, Inc. | $386.1 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
WLDN | Willdan Group, Inc. | $385.3 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
DZSI | DZS Inc. | $384.4 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
GCBC | Greene County Bancorp, Inc. | $383.7 M | Financials | Banks |
CASA | Casa Systems, Inc. | $382.4 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
CMRX | Chimerix, Inc. | $382.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GBIO | Generation Bio Co. | $382.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CBMG | Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc. | $381.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SBT | Sterling Bancorp, Inc. (Southfield, MI) | $380.6 M | Financials | Banks |
BBCP | Concrete Pumping Holdings, Inc. | $380.0 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
KOD | Kodiak Sciences Inc. | $377.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
QUAD | Quad/Graphics, Inc. | $376.0 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
VERU | Veru Inc. | $375.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NSCO | Nesco Holdings, Inc. | $374.6 M | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
NODK | NI Holdings, Inc. | $373.0 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
GWRS | Global Water Resources, Inc. | $372.0 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
RDVT | Red Violet, Inc. | $370.8 M | Technology | Software—Application |
CIVB | Civista Bancshares, Inc. | $370.2 M | Financials | Banks |
ITIC | Investors Title Company | $368.9 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
GDP | Goodrich Petroleum Corporation | $368.9 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
STRO | Sutro Biopharma, Inc. | $368.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ORC | Orchid Island Capital, Inc. | $368.4 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
ANIP | ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $368.4 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
ADMA | ADMA Biologics, Inc. | $363.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IDYA | IDEAYA Biosciences, Inc. | $362.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CSTE | Caesarstone Ltd. | $362.5 M | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
STRS | Stratus Properties Inc. | $360.7 M | Real Estate | Real Estate—Diversified |
LQDA | Liquidia Corporation | $357.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
OCUL | Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. | $356.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VLGEA | Village Super Market, Inc. | $356.3 M | Consumer Staples | Grocery Stores |
OMER | Omeros Corporation | $356.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
KALV | KalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $355.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
HT | Hersha Hospitality Trust | $355.4 M | Real Estate | REIT—Hotel & Motel |
ANIK | Anika Therapeutics, Inc. | $354.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PFIS | Peoples Financial Services Corp. | $354.2 M | Financials | Banks |
LAWS | Lawson Products, Inc. | $353.1 M | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
EGAN | eGain Corporation | $348.1 M | Technology | Software—Application |
CNTY | Century Casinos, Inc. | $347.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Resorts & Casinos |
CVLG | Covenant Logistics Group, Inc. | $345.9 M | Industrials | Trucking |
HBCP | Home Bancorp, Inc. | $345.8 M | Financials | Banks |
HFFG | HF Foods Group Inc. | $344.7 M | Consumer Staples | Food Distribution |
INS | Intelligent Systems Corporation | $344.2 M | Technology | Software—Application |
NKTX | Nkarta, Inc. | $344.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
OOMA | Ooma, Inc. | $342.6 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
UFI | Unifi, Inc. | $342.2 M | Consumer Discretionary | Textile Manufacturing |
LNDC | Landec Corporation | $340.3 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
MPAA | Motorcar Parts of America, Inc. | $340.2 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
NR | Newpark Resources, Inc. | $340.1 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
VAPO | Vapotherm, Inc. | $339.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
MRNS | Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $339.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NATR | Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. | $338.8 M | Consumer Staples | Household & Personal Products |
UTMD | Utah Medical Products, Inc. | $338.1 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
JNCE | Jounce Therapeutics, Inc. | $337.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
EZPW | EZCORP, Inc. | $334.1 M | Financials | Credit Services |
NAT | Nordic American Tankers Limited | $332.3 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
SMMF | Summit Financial Group, Inc. | $332.1 M | Financials | Banks |
PSNL | Personalis, Inc. | $331.7 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
TCI | Transcontinental Realty Investors, Inc. | $331.4 M | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
PCB | PCB Bancorp | $329.9 M | Financials | Banks |
III | Information Services Group, Inc. | $329.8 M | Industrials | Consulting Services |
NL | NL Industries, Inc. | $329.3 M | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
HEAR | Turtle Beach Corporation | $327.5 M | Technology | Consumer Electronics |
FNLC | The First Bancorp, Inc. | $326.5 M | Financials | Banks |
AKTS | Akoustis Technologies, Inc. | $325.1 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
SSTI | ShotSpotter, Inc. | $324.4 M | Technology | Software—Application |
MLR | Miller Industries, Inc. | $324.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
AXGN | AxoGen, Inc. | $321.5 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
CATO | The Cato Corporation | $320.2 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
RLGT | Radiant Logistics, Inc. | $316.3 M | Industrials | Integrated Freight & Logistics |
FRBK | Republic First Bancorp, Inc. | $316.0 M | Financials | Banks |
EHTH | eHealth, Inc. | $315.7 M | Financials | Insurance Brokers |
BCBP | BCB Bancorp, Inc. | $315.7 M | Financials | Banks |
OYST | Oyster Point Pharma, Inc. | $315.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PRTS |, Inc. | $315.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Internet Retail |
BCOV | Brightcove Inc. | $314.2 M | Technology | Software—Application |
RCKY | Rocky Brands, Inc. | $312.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
CBNK | Capital Bancorp, Inc. | $310.5 M | Financials | Banks |
MCBC | Macatawa Bank Corporation | $310.4 M | Financials | Banks |
KBAL | Kimball International, Inc. | $309.6 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
RVI | Retail Value Inc. | $309.5 M | Real Estate | REIT—Retail |
XERS | Xeris Biopharma Holdings, Inc. | $309.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LEVL | Level One Bancorp, Inc. | $308.3 M | Financials | Banks |
UNTY | Unity Bancorp, Inc. | $307.1 M | Financials | Banks |
FLMN | Falcon Minerals Corporation | $306.6 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
XOMA | XOMA Corporation | $303.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PFHD | Professional Holding Corp. | $302.8 M | Financials | Banks |
ACNB | ACNB Corporation | $302.6 M | Financials | Banks |
PLPC | Preformed Line Products Company | $302.5 M | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
IBEX | IBEX Limited | $298.6 M | Technology | Software—Application |
ALLK | Allakos Inc. | $298.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PCSB | PCSB Financial Corporation | $298.2 M | Financials | Banks |
BDSI | BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. | $297.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ATOM | Atomera Incorporated | $296.8 M | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
CIX | CompX International Inc. | $296.2 M | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
PVBC | Provident Bancorp, Inc. | $295.1 M | Financials | Banks |
SONA | Southern National Bancorp of Virginia, Inc. | $294.1 M | Financials | Banks |
CTRN | Citi Trends, Inc. | $292.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
LCUT | Lifetime Brands, Inc. | $291.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
ARAY | Accuray Incorporated | $291.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
TLYS | Tilly's, Inc. | $291.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
CYBE | CyberOptics Corporation | $290.7 M | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
SGC | Superior Group of Companies, Inc. | $289.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Manufacturing |
CVCY | Central Valley Community Bancorp | $288.9 M | Financials | Banks |
MYFW | First Western Financial, Inc. | $288.9 M | Financials | Banks |
UTI | Universal Technical Institute, Inc. | $288.1 M | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
AXTI | AXT, Inc. | $287.5 M | Technology | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials |
DHX | DHI Group, Inc. | $286.6 M | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
LIVX | LiveXLive Media, Inc. | $286.1 M | Communication Services | Entertainment |
VYGR | Voyager Therapeutics, Inc. | $286.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PCYO | Pure Cycle Corporation | $285.0 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
GHL | Greenhill & Co., Inc. | $283.4 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
GTHX | G1 Therapeutics, Inc. | $282.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NBN | Northeast Bank | $281.5 M | Financials | Banks |
PKBK | Parke Bancorp, Inc. | $281.4 M | Financials | Banks |
FVCB | FVCBankcorp, Inc. | $281.2 M | Financials | Banks |
FRBA | First Bank | $280.9 M | Financials | Banks |
ALCO | Alico, Inc. | $280.5 M | Consumer Staples | Farm Products |
MRLN | Marlin Business Services Corp. | $280.2 M | Financials | Credit Services |
FBIZ | First Business Financial Services, Inc. | $279.9 M | Financials | Banks |
CERC | Cerecor Inc. | $278.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CSPR | Casper Sleep Inc. | $277.7 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
PSTX | Poseida Therapeutics, Inc. | $277.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ESQ | Esquire Financial Holdings, Inc. | $276.3 M | Financials | Banks |
FCCY | 1st Constitution Bancorp | $275.9 M | Financials | Banks |
FLDM | Fluidigm Corporation | $275.2 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
LXRX | Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $274.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GTT | GTT Communications, Inc. | $273.5 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
HTZZ | Hertz Global Holdings, Inc. | $273.4 M | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
STXS | Stereotaxis, Inc. | $273.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
NC | NACCO Industries, Inc. | $272.4 M | Energy | Thermal Coal |
LMNR | Limoneira Company | $270.3 M | Consumer Staples | Farm Products |
PLRX | Pliant Therapeutics, Inc. | $269.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BWFG | Bankwell Financial Group, Inc. | $269.9 M | Financials | Banks |
RESN | Resonant Inc. | $267.9 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
HCHC | HC2 Holdings, Inc. | $267.3 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
PBFS | Pioneer Bancorp, Inc. | $266.8 M | Financials | Banks |
EIGR | Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc. | $266.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NRIM | Northrim BanCorp, Inc. | $265.5 M | Financials | Banks |
HBIO | Harvard Bioscience, Inc. | $264.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
AT | Atlantic Power Corporation | $264.1 M | Utilities | Utilities—Independent Power Producers |
AJX | Great Ajax Corp. | $264.1 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
PKE | Park Aerospace Corp. | $262.9 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
AMTI | Applied Molecular Transport Inc. | $262.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FDBC | Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. | $262.9 M | Financials | Banks |
FGBI | First Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. | $260.7 M | Financials | Banks |
NVEC | NVE Corporation | $260.6 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
NDLS | Noodles & Company | $260.5 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
RRGB | Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. | $259.0 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
VRA | Vera Bradley, Inc. | $258.7 M | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
DSSI | Diamond S Shipping Inc. | $258.4 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Midstream |
SCOR | comScore, Inc. | $258.4 M | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
CBAN | Colony Bankcorp, Inc. | $258.0 M | Financials | Banks |
MRSN | Mersana Therapeutics, Inc. | $257.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
XBIT | XBiotech Inc. | $256.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ARL | American Realty Investors, Inc. | $255.1 M | Real Estate | Real Estate—Development |
CAMP | CalAmp Corp. | $254.9 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
ORRF | Orrstown Financial Services, Inc. | $253.7 M | Financials | Banks |
NWPX | Northwest Pipe Company | $250.6 M | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
LCNB | LCNB Corp. | $249.9 M | Financials | Banks |
PDLB | PDL Community Bancorp | $249.5 M | Financials | Banks |
BELFB | Bel Fuse Inc. | $247.4 M | Technology | Electronic Components |
IMUX | Immunic, Inc. | $246.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ESXB | Community Bankers Trust Corporation | $246.1 M | Financials | Banks |
AGS | PlayAGS, Inc. | $243.8 M | Consumer Discretionary | Gambling |
GLRE | Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. | $242.7 M | Financials | Insurance—Reinsurance |
PANL | Pangaea Logistics Solutions, Ltd. | $242.6 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
LUNA | Luna Innovations Incorporated | $242.2 M | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
ANH | Anworth Mortgage Asset Corporation | $242.1 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
VOXX | VOXX International Corporation | $240.9 M | Technology | Consumer Electronics |
MSON | Misonix, Inc. | $239.1 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
EEX | Emerald Holding, Inc. | $237.7 M | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
CHMA | Chiasma, Inc. | $237.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
TIG | Trean Insurance Group, Inc. | $235.8 M | Financials | Insurance—Specialty |
EVI | EVI Industries, Inc. | $235.7 M | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
WEYS | Weyco Group, Inc. | $233.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Footwear & Accessories |
VSTM | Verastem, Inc. | $232.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BCML | BayCom Corp | $232.0 M | Financials | Banks |
FSBW | FS Bancorp, Inc. | $232.0 M | Financials | Banks |
PFSW | PFSweb, Inc. | $231.8 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
TCFC | The Community Financial Corporation | $231.5 M | Financials | Banks |
NWFL | Norwood Financial Corp. | $231.1 M | Financials | Banks |
FCBP | First Choice Bancorp | $230.1 M | Financials | Banks |
HOFT | Hooker Furniture Corporation | $229.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances |
TNAV | Telenav, Inc. | $228.5 M | Technology | Software—Application |
TSBK | Timberland Bancorp, Inc. | $228.0 M | Financials | Banks |
EXPR | Express, Inc. | $227.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Retail |
POWL | Powell Industries, Inc. | $227.8 M | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
NKSH | National Bankshares, Inc. | $226.6 M | Financials | Banks |
EPM | Evolution Petroleum Corporation | $226.0 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
ATLO | Ames National Corporation | $225.6 M | Financials | Banks |
PFBI | Premier Financial Bancorp, Inc. | $225.5 M | Financials | Banks |
PIRS | Pieris Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $224.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GFN | General Finance Corporation | $222.7 M | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
VNRX | VolitionRx Limited | $222.2 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
ZIOP | ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. | $222.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ZYXI | Zynex, Inc. | $221.2 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
MTRX | Matrix Service Company | $221.2 M | Industrials | Engineering & Construction |
ACTG | Acacia Research Corporation | $221.1 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
TBNK | Territorial Bancorp Inc. | $221.1 M | Financials | Banks |
VRCA | Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc. | $221.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FNWB | First Northwest Bancorp | $220.9 M | Financials | Banks |
APYX | Apyx Medical Corporation | $220.8 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
PLBC | Plumas Bancorp | $220.7 M | Financials | Banks |
CHMG | Chemung Financial Corporation | $220.1 M | Financials | Banks |
SWKH | SWK Holdings Corporation | $219.8 M | Financials | Asset Management |
VKTX | Viking Therapeutics, Inc. | $219.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ODC | Oil-Dri Corporation of America | $218.5 M | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
NATH | Nathan's Famous, Inc. | $218.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
ICBK | County Bancorp, Inc. | $216.9 M | Financials | Banks |
CIA | Citizens, Inc. | $216.5 M | Financials | Insurance—Life |
MLP | Maui Land & Pineapple Company, Inc. | $215.9 M | Real Estate | Real Estate—Development |
PINE | Alpine Income Property Trust, Inc. | $213.8 M | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
MHH | Mastech Digital, Inc. | $213.5 M | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
RMBI | Richmond Mutual Bancorporation, Inc. | $213.1 M | Financials | Banks |
IIN | IntriCon Corporation | $212.9 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
PTVCB | Protective Insurance Corporation | $212.6 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
OVID | Ovid Therapeutics Inc. | $211.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
OPBK | OP Bancorp | $210.8 M | Financials | Banks |
SMSI | Smith Micro Software, Inc. | $210.1 M | Technology | Software—Application |
CVLY | Codorus Valley Bancorp, Inc. | $210.1 M | Financials | Banks |
ORIC | ORIC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $209.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CBAY | CymaBay Therapeutics, Inc. | $208.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AMSC | American Superconductor Corporation | $208.6 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
BSVN | Bank7 Corp. | $208.5 M | Financials | Banks |
CRMD | CorMedix Inc. | $207.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
EVBN | Evans Bancorp, Inc. | $207.9 M | Financials | Banks |
GPX | GP Strategies Corporation | $207.3 M | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
TREC | Trecora Resources | $205.0 M | Basic Materials | Specialty Chemicals |
GRTS | Gritstone bio, Inc. | $204.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
OPTN | OptiNose, Inc. | $204.6 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
HURC | Hurco Companies, Inc. | $202.8 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
WNEB | Western New England Bancorp, Inc. | $202.3 M | Financials | Banks |
SPRO | Spero Therapeutics, Inc. | $200.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MRBK | Meridian Corporation | $200.6 M | Financials | Banks |
CLVS | Clovis Oncology, Inc. | $200.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GORO | Gold Resource Corporation | $199.4 M | Basic Materials | Gold |
CECE | CECO Environmental Corp. | $199.4 M | Industrials | Pollution & Treatment Controls |
SNFCA | Security National Financial Corporation | $198.8 M | Financials | Credit Services |
HRTG | Heritage Insurance Holdings, Inc. | $198.5 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
EXTN | Exterran Corporation | $198.2 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Equipment & Services |
INFU | InfuSystem Holdings Inc. | $198.0 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
NCMI | National CineMedia, Inc. | $197.9 M | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
KIN | Kindred Biosciences, Inc. | $197.5 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
WLFC | Willis Lease Finance Corporation | $196.8 M | Industrials | Rental & Leasing Services |
SAMG | Silvercrest Asset Management Group Inc. | $196.3 M | Financials | Asset Management |
ISTR | Investar Holding Corporation | $196.1 M | Financials | Banks |
GAN | GAN Limited | $196.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Gambling |
FNCB | FNCB Bancorp, Inc. | $195.5 M | Financials | Banks |
FRGI | Fiesta Restaurant Group, Inc. | $195.3 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
MG | Mistras Group, Inc. | $195.0 M | Industrials | Security & Protection Services |
BBXIA | BBX Capital Corp | $194.8 M | Financials | Asset Management |
MTEM | Molecular Templates, Inc. | $193.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SPPI | Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $193.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
USX | U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc. | $192.8 M | Industrials | Trucking |
CALB | California BanCorp | $191.3 M | Financials | Banks |
VMD | Viemed Healthcare, Inc. | $191.0 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
BPRN | The Bank of Princeton | $190.8 M | Financials | Banks |
ESSA | ESSA Bancorp, Inc. | $190.3 M | Financials | Banks |
LTRPA | Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc. | $189.1 M | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
COFS | ChoiceOne Financial Services, Inc. | $188.6 M | Financials | Banks |
URGN | UroGen Pharma Ltd. | $185.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AVEO | AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $184.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AOUT | American Outdoor Brands, Inc. | $184.5 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
SALT | Scorpio Bulkers Inc. | $184.4 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
HMTV | Hemisphere Media Group, Inc. | $184.1 M | Communication Services | Entertainment |
MNSB | MainStreet Bancshares, Inc. | $183.6 M | Financials | Banks |
OSG | Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. | $182.8 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Midstream |
ASPS | Altisource Portfolio Solutions SA | $181.9 M | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
SBBP | Strongbridge Biopharma plc | $181.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GTYH | GTY Technology Holdings Inc. | $181.4 M | Technology | Software—Application |
MBII | Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. | $180.9 M | Basic Materials | Agricultural Inputs |
RGCO | RGC Resources, Inc. | $180.8 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Gas |
FSFG | First Savings Financial Group, Inc. | $179.5 M | Financials | Banks |
CMCL | Caledonia Mining Corporation plc | $179.0 M | Basic Materials | Gold |
SRT | StarTek, Inc. | $178.2 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
EVLO | Evelo Biosciences, Inc. | $178.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CTMX | CytomX Therapeutics, Inc. | $177.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GNE | Genie Energy Ltd. | $176.9 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Electric |
DAKT | Daktronics, Inc. | $176.8 M | Technology | Computer Hardware |
ALSK | Alaska Communications Systems Group, Inc. | $176.5 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
DTIL | Precision BioSciences, Inc. | $174.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ESCA | Escalade, Incorporated | $174.5 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
CODX | Co-Diagnostics, Inc. | $174.2 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
CMCT | CIM Commercial Trust Corporation | $173.5 M | Real Estate | REIT—Office |
HROW | Harrow Health, Inc. | $173.0 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
XAIR | Beyond Air, Inc. | $172.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
AE | Adams Resources & Energy, Inc. | $172.3 M | Energy | Oil & Gas Integrated |
IMMR | Immersion Corporation | $172.0 M | Technology | Software—Application |
HWBK | Hawthorn Bancshares, Inc. | $171.2 M | Financials | Banks |
PWOD | Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc. | $171.0 M | Financials | Banks |
KVHI | KVH Industries, Inc. | $171.0 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
CWCO | Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. | $170.7 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
BOCH | Bank of Commerce Holdings | $170.0 M | Financials | Banks |
CRTX | Cortexyme, Inc. | $169.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PEBK | Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina, Inc. | $168.7 M | Financials | Banks |
TELA | TELA Bio, Inc. | $168.6 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
ELA | Envela Corporation | $168.5 M | Consumer Discretionary | Specialty Retail |
RVSB | Riverview Bancorp, Inc. | $168.0 M | Financials | Banks |
SLCT | Select Bancorp, Inc. | $167.9 M | Financials | Banks |
PKOH | Park-Ohio Holdings Corp. | $167.2 M | Industrials | Industrial Distribution |
LYTS | LSI Industries Inc. | $165.8 M | Technology | Electronic Components |
FSTR | L.B. Foster Company | $164.8 M | Industrials | Railroads |
PTRS | Partners Bancorp | $164.4 M | Financials | Banks |
HBB | Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company | $164.0 M | Technology | Consumer Electronics |
FIXX | Homology Medicines, Inc. | $163.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FLNT | Fluent, Inc. | $163.1 M | Communication Services | Advertising Agencies |
MEC | Mayville Engineering Company, Inc. | $162.8 M | Industrials | Metal Fabrication |
WRTC | Wrap Technologies, Inc. | $162.2 M | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
FCCO | First Community Corporation | $161.9 M | Financials | Banks |
AKUS | Akouos, Inc. | $161.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SAL | Salisbury Bancorp, Inc. | $161.7 M | Financials | Banks |
PICO | PICO Holdings, Inc. | $160.9 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
PASG | Passage Bio, Inc. | $160.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
APTX | Aptinyx Inc. | $160.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LMST | Limestone Bancorp, Inc. | $159.8 M | Financials | Banks |
CDXC | ChromaDex Corporation | $159.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SCPH | scPharmaceuticals Inc. | $157.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
STND | Standard AVB Financial Corp. | $156.6 M | Financials | Banks |
BSBK | Bogota Financial Corp. | $156.5 M | Financials | Banks |
PXLW | Pixelworks, Inc. | $155.7 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
ASC | Ardmore Shipping Corporation | $155.6 M | Industrials | Marine Shipping |
SPOK | Spok Holdings, Inc. | $155.4 M | Communication Services | Telecom Services |
FUNC | First United Corporation | $154.2 M | Financials | Banks |
MESA | Mesa Air Group, Inc. | $153.2 M | Industrials | Airlines |
OFED | Oconee Federal Financial Corp. | $152.9 M | Financials | Banks |
RVP | Retractable Technologies, Inc. | $152.2 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
FRAF | Franklin Financial Services Corporation | $151.9 M | Financials | Banks |
CUE | Cue Biopharma, Inc. | $151.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CPS | Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc. | $151.4 M | Consumer Discretionary | Auto Parts |
OVLY | Oak Valley Bancorp | $150.8 M | Financials | Banks |
EBMT | Eagle Bancorp Montana, Inc. | $150.6 M | Financials | Banks |
LAKE | Lakeland Industries, Inc. | $150.2 M | Consumer Discretionary | Apparel Manufacturing |
SNCR | Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. | $150.0 M | Technology | Software—Application |
CLPR | Clipper Realty Inc. | $149.9 M | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
HARP | Harpoon Therapeutics, Inc. | $149.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CKPT | Checkpoint Therapeutics, Inc. | $149.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CVM | CEL-SCI Corporation | $148.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GENC | Gencor Industries, Inc. | $148.0 M | Industrials | Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery |
MBCN | Middlefield Banc Corp. | $147.7 M | Financials | Banks |
DRRX | DURECT Corporation | $146.7 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
SVRA | Savara Inc. | $146.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FTHM | Fathom Holdings Inc. | $146.3 M | Real Estate | Real Estate Services |
PRTK | Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $145.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
OVBC | Ohio Valley Banc Corp. | $144.1 M | Financials | Banks |
CFFI | C&F Financial Corporation | $143.7 M | Financials | Banks |
UBFO | United Security Bancshares | $143.0 M | Financials | Banks |
UIHC | United Insurance Holdings Corp. | $142.6 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
ENZ | Enzo Biochem, Inc. | $142.1 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
TXMD | TherapeuticsMD, Inc. | $142.0 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
EML | The Eastern Company | $141.1 M | Industrials | Tools & Accessories |
SBFG | SB Financial Group, Inc. | $140.8 M | Financials | Banks |
CFRX | ContraFect Corporation | $139.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BFIN | BankFinancial Corporation | $138.7 M | Financials | Banks |
CHMI | Cherry Hill Mortgage Investment Corporation | $138.6 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
TRHC | Tabula Rasa HealthCare, Inc. | $138.3 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
SELB | Selecta Biosciences, Inc. | $138.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PNRG | PrimeEnergy Resources Corporation | $137.4 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
FENC | Fennec Pharmaceuticals Inc. | $136.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MGTA | Magenta Therapeutics, Inc. | $136.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SGA | Saga Communications, Inc. | $136.0 M | Communication Services | Broadcasting |
BGSF | BG Staffing, Inc. | $135.2 M | Industrials | Staffing & Employment Services |
MMAC | MMA Capital Holdings, Inc. | $135.1 M | Financials | Mortgage Finance |
NXTC | NextCure, Inc. | $134.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LARK | Landmark Bancorp, Inc. | $134.4 M | Financials | Banks |
FCAP | First Capital, Inc. | $134.0 M | Financials | Banks |
ATHX | Athersys, Inc. | $133.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
WHG | Westwood Holdings Group, Inc. | $132.1 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
MFNC | Mackinac Financial Corporation | $131.9 M | Financials | Banks |
FBIO | Fortress Biotech, Inc. | $131.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IVAC | Intevac, Inc. | $131.6 M | Industrials | Aerospace & Defense |
CTSO | Cytosorbents Corporation | $131.5 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
FARM | Farmer Bros. Co. | $130.7 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
ESPR | Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. | $130.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
EARN | Ellington Residential Mortgage REIT | $129.7 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
SREV | ServiceSource International, Inc. | $129.5 M | Technology | Software—Application |
PBIP | Prudential Bancorp, Inc. | $129.0 M | Financials | Banks |
KRMD | Repro Med Systems, Inc. | $128.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
SLDB | Solid Biosciences Inc. | $128.0 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
XGN | Exagen Inc. | $127.5 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
ITI | Iteris, Inc. | $126.2 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
OCX | OncoCyte Corporation | $125.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
QMCO | Quantum Corporation | $125.0 M | Technology | Computer Hardware |
SIEN | Sientra, Inc. | $124.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
CBFV | CB Financial Services, Inc. | $124.1 M | Financials | Banks |
MNOV | MediciNova, Inc. | $123.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PROV | Provident Financial Holdings, Inc. | $122.6 M | Financials | Banks |
NNBR | NN, Inc. | $122.1 M | Industrials | Conglomerates |
ADVM | Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc. | $121.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FONR | FONAR Corporation | $121.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
ADES | Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc. | $121.4 M | Industrials | Pollution & Treatment Controls |
NLS | Nautilus, Inc. | $120.9 M | Consumer Discretionary | Leisure |
AGLE | Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Inc. | $118.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GWGH | GWG Holdings, Inc. | $118.8 M | Financials | Insurance—Life |
AUBN | Auburn National Bancorporation, Inc. | $118.4 M | Financials | Banks |
ASUR | Asure Software, Inc. | $118.4 M | Technology | Software—Application |
STSA | Satsuma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $117.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SMED | Sharps Compliance Corp. | $117.4 M | Industrials | Waste Management |
LJPC | La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company | $116.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BCLI | Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics Inc. | $115.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VHC | VirnetX Holding Corp | $115.0 M | Technology | Software—Infrastructure |
TAST | Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc. | $114.1 M | Consumer Discretionary | Restaurants |
QTNT | Quotient Limited | $114.0 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
AKBA | Akebia Therapeutics, Inc. | $112.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CASI | CASI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $111.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CSBR | Champions Oncology, Inc. | $111.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PAVM | PAVmed Inc. | $111.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
BCEL | Atreca, Inc. | $110.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
EPZM | Epizyme, Inc. | $109.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ICAD | iCAD, Inc. | $108.0 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
CIZN | Citizens Holding Company | $107.7 M | Financials | Banks |
ELMD | Electromed, Inc. | $107.5 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
PBYI | Puma Biotechnology, Inc. | $106.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AWH | Aspira Women's Health Inc. | $106.9 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
PLSE | Pulse Biosciences, Inc. | $106.7 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
PCYG | Park City Group, Inc. | $104.7 M | Technology | Software—Application |
CNCE | Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $104.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ANNX | Annexon, Inc. | $104.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
WMC | Western Asset Mortgage Capital Corporation | $104.0 M | Real Estate | REIT—Mortgage |
NYMX | Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation | $103.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ETON | Eton Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $101.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PAYS | PaySign, Inc. | $101.6 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
TCRR | TCR2 Therapeutics Inc. | $101.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GNSS | Genasys Inc. | $100.1 M | Technology | Scientific & Technical Instruments |
GNPX | Genprex, Inc. | $99.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
WVE | Wave Life Sciences Ltd. | $99.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ARDX | Ardelyx, Inc. | $99.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
BRID | Bridgford Foods Corporation | $98.7 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
PWFL | PowerFleet, Inc. | $98.5 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
BDTX | Black Diamond Therapeutics, Inc. | $98.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AAOI | Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. | $96.9 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
VERO | Venus Concept Inc. | $96.7 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
ASMB | Assembly Biosciences, Inc. | $96.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AQST | Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc. | $96.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GAIA | Gaia, Inc. | $96.0 M | Communication Services | Internet Content & Information |
INZY | Inozyme Pharma, Inc. | $95.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NMRD | Nemaura Medical Inc. | $95.0 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
AGFS | AgroFresh Solutions, Inc. | $93.6 M | Consumer Staples | Farm Products |
GALT | Galectin Therapeutics, Inc. | $92.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IBIO | iBio, Inc. | $92.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FVE | Five Star Senior Living Inc. | $92.0 M | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
OSMT | Osmotica Pharmaceuticals plc | $90.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MBIO | Mustang Bio, Inc. | $90.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AXLA | Axcella Health Inc. | $89.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MLSS | Milestone Scientific Inc. | $89.5 M | Healthcare | Medical Instruments & Supplies |
ORGS | Orgenesis Inc. | $89.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VERY | Vericity, Inc. | $88.6 M | Financials | Insurance—Life |
CNTG | Centogene N.V. | $87.8 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
OESX | Orion Energy Systems, Inc. | $87.6 M | Industrials | Electrical Equipment & Parts |
NH | NantHealth, Inc. | $86.5 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
GSIT | GSI Technology, Inc. | $85.4 M | Technology | Semiconductors |
PCTI | PCTEL, Inc. | $85.3 M | Technology | Communication Equipment |
ULBI | Ultralife Corporation | $84.1 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
KALA | Kala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $83.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CATB | Catabasis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $83.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
REPH | Recro Pharma, Inc. | $83.1 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
DYAI | Dyadic International, Inc. | $83.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SFE | Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. | $82.6 M | Financials | Asset Management |
BYSI | BeyondSpring Inc. | $81.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GHM | Graham Corporation | $81.0 M | Industrials | Specialty Industrial Machinery |
ATNX | Athenex, Inc. | $79.2 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
NLTX | Neoleukin Therapeutics, Inc. | $77.6 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
ETNB | 89bio, Inc. | $76.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AXDX | Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. | $76.5 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
RGS | Regis Corporation | $74.7 M | Consumer Discretionary | Personal Services |
NBEV | NewAge, Inc. | $73.4 M | Consumer Staples | Beverages—Non-Alcoholic |
CDZI | Cadiz Inc. | $72.5 M | Utilities | Utilities—Regulated Water |
TISI | Team, Inc. | $69.5 M | Industrials | Specialty Business Services |
FREQ | Frequency Therapeutics, Inc. | $68.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
PROG | Progenity, Inc. | $68.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MEIP | MEI Pharma, Inc. | $67.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SIEB | Siebert Financial Corp. | $65.6 M | Financials | Capital Markets |
HOOK | HOOKIPA Pharma Inc. | $65.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SYRS | Syros Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $65.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
KLDO | Kaleido Biosciences, Inc. | $64.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CMPI | Checkmate Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $64.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AVCO | Avalon GloboCare Corp. | $63.6 M | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
PHAS | PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $62.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CRBP | Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. | $61.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LFVN | LifeVantage Corporation | $61.0 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
REFR | Research Frontiers Incorporated | $60.1 M | Technology | Electronic Components |
UBX | Unity Biotechnology, Inc. | $59.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NBSE | NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc. | $59.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
TYME | Tyme Technologies, Inc. | $58.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GRTX | Galera Therapeutics, Inc. | $57.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
APLT | Applied Therapeutics, Inc. | $56.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
GLYC | GlycoMimetics, Inc. | $56.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ESGC | Eros STX Global Corporation | $55.7 M | Communication Services | Entertainment |
LYRA | Lyra Therapeutics, Inc. | $55.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CDTX | Cidara Therapeutics, Inc. | $55.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
EVFM | Evofem Biosciences, Inc. | $54.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
APT | Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd. | $53.7 M | Industrials | Building Products & Equipment |
TARA | Protara Therapeutics, Inc. | $52.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CABA | Cabaletta Bio, Inc. | $51.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IVC | Invacare Corporation | $51.2 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
AVRO | AVROBIO, Inc. | $51.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CYCN | Cyclerion Therapeutics, Inc. | $50.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
XFOR | X4 Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $49.6 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
WTRH | Waitr Holdings Inc. | $48.4 M | Technology | Software—Application |
IMRA | IMARA Inc. | $46.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CORR | CorEnergy Infrastructure Trust, Inc. | $45.0 M | Real Estate | REIT—Diversified |
ODT | Odonate Therapeutics, Inc. | $44.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
IDN | Intellicheck, Inc. | $44.6 M | Technology | Software—Application |
ELOX | Eloxx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $44.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AGTC | Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation | $44.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
VTVT | vTv Therapeutics Inc. | $43.7 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SEAC | SeaChange International, Inc. | $43.6 M | Technology | Software—Application |
ABEO | Abeona Therapeutics Inc. | $42.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ARAV | Aravive, Inc. | $41.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SRGA | Surgalign Holdings, Inc. | $40.8 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
GNLN | Greenlane Holdings, Inc. | $40.6 M | Healthcare | Pharmaceutical Retailers |
RFL | Rafael Holdings, Inc. | $40.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
ASPU | Aspen Group, Inc. | $39.7 M | Consumer Staples | Education & Training Services |
VYNE | VYNE Therapeutics Inc. | $38.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
APRE | Aprea Therapeutics, Inc. | $38.4 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
MRKR | Marker Therapeutics, Inc. | $38.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
RMTI | Rockwell Medical, Inc. | $37.3 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
AFIB | Acutus Medical, Inc. | $36.8 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
NERV | Minerva Neurosciences, Inc. | $36.2 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CLXT | Calyxt, Inc. | $35.8 M | Consumer Staples | Packaged Foods |
KERN | Akerna Corp. | $35.6 M | Healthcare | Health Information Services |
OTRK | Ontrak, Inc. | $35.4 M | Healthcare | Medical Care Facilities |
BSGM | BioSig Technologies, Inc. | $35.3 M | Healthcare | Medical Devices |
LCI | Lannett Company, Inc. | $34.1 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
ACRX | AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $33.7 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
AYTU | Aytu BioScience, Inc. | $30.3 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CWBR | CohBar, Inc. | $25.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
FNHC | FedNat Holding Company | $24.1 M | Financials | Insurance—Property & Casualty |
CALA | Calithera Biosciences, Inc. | $23.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
AGRX | Agile Therapeutics, Inc. | $23.5 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
CEMI | Chembio Diagnostics, Inc. | $23.3 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
BLPH | Bellerophon Therapeutics, Inc. | $22.8 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
NRBO | NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | $22.1 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
LOGC | LogicBio Therapeutics, Inc. | $22.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
CBIO | Catalyst Biosciences, Inc. | $20.5 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
XCUR | Exicure, Inc. | $18.9 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
SLNO | Soleno Therapeutics, Inc. | $16.1 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
GPORQ | Gulfport Energy Corporation | $13.9 M | Energy | Oil & Gas E&P |
BEAT | BioTelemetry, Inc. | $13.3 M | Healthcare | Diagnostics & Research |
MNKKQ | Mallinckrodt plc | $9.2 M | Healthcare | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic |
ATXI | Avenue Therapeutics, Inc. | $9.0 M | Healthcare | Biotechnology |
Datos enero 2024 / datos actualizados Bullish Bears
CIVISLEND oportunidad de inversión Residencia de estudiantes
Desde CIVISLEND lanza una nueva oportunidad este 24 de enero, el proyecto ofrecía una rentabilidad total del 16,50% (11% TIN) y plazo de ejecución a 18 meses y pago de los intereses semestral.
RESIDENCIA DE ESTUDIANTES CADIZ la financiación está dedicada al desarrollo de una residencia de estudiantes en Cádiz en la Calle Felipe Abárzuza 2D, situada en el centro histórico de Cádiz, pegado a varias facultades de la Universidad de Cádiz, donde hay más de 20.000 alumnos matriculados.
El proyecto Residencia de estudiantes Cádiz contará con 132 habitaciones, solárium con piscina y amplias zonas comunes.
La residencia está vendida al grupo de la aseguradora AXA y será operado por una plataforma del grupo llamada The Boost Society.
El proyecto cuenta con licencia de obras concedida y obra comenzada en diciembre de 2023. El préstamo promotor ya ha sido concedido por una entidad bancaria de primer nivel y el contrato de obras con la constructora está firmado.
¿Cuándo se puede invertir? el miércoles 24 a las 12hs, para poder realizar la inversión deberás estar registrado previamente

- Rentabilidad: 16,5% (11% TIN)
- Plazo: 18 meses
- A partir del miércoles 24 de enero a las 12:00h
- Garantia corporativa a primer requerimento de la sociedad WHITE INVESTING RE, S.A.
- Pago de interés semestral
- Licencia de obra concedida y obra iniciada
- Entre el promotor y su socio aportan más de 23M€ al proyecto
- Promotora con más de 50 años de experiencia, especializada en promoción de viviendas, hoteles y zonas comerciales.
- La residencia será operada por la empresa del Grupo Axa The Boost Society
- Cádiz cuenta con más de 20 mil estudiantes universitarios
888 Holding performance 2023
888 (LSE: 888), a globally prominent betting and gaming enterprise featuring well-known brands such as William Hill, 888, and Mr. Green, has released a trading update following the conclusion of the three-month period (Q4) and the twelve-month period (FY23), both ending on December 31, 2023.
888 Highlights
Revenue for FY23 amounted to £1,711 million, reflecting an 8% year-over-year decrease. This decline was mainly attributed to a deliberate shift in the product mix, moving away from dotcom markets, resulting in an approximate £80 million reduction in revenues during FY23.
Additionally, changes in customer composition in the UK, influenced by enhanced safer gambling measures, and a strategic shift in the Group's marketing approach towards emphasizing sustainable revenue and profitability, contributed to the impact on revenue. Collectively, these adjustments have cultivated a higher-quality and more sustainable business mix, with approximately 95% of FY23 revenue originating from regulated and taxed markets.
In the fourth quarter (Q4), revenue reached £424 million, marking a 5% increase compared to Q3 2023. However, there was a 7% year-over-year decrease. Despite the decline in year-over-year revenue, the number of active users (actives3) increased by 5%. This continued growth in the customer base lays the groundwork for sustained future revenue growth.

UK&I Online: Experienced an 8% decrease in revenue, totaling £658 million. This decline was predominantly influenced by the effects of safer gambling adjustments and a more precise marketing strategy. Despite robust customer engagement, reflected in a notable 11% increase in average monthly actives, the overall impact was mitigated by an 18% reduction in average revenue per customer. However, the implementation of synergy measures and a concentrated effort on efficient marketing indicate that Adjusted EBITDA for UK&I Online is poised to be significantly higher year over year, despite the decline in revenue.
Retail: Achieved a 3% increase in revenue, reaching £535 million, showcasing robust underlying performance. This growth was propelled by enhanced product offerings resulting from investments in Self-Service Betting Terminals (SSBTs) and gaming cabinets. Notably, these improvements more than compensated for a 3% reduction in the estate size throughout the year.
International: Experienced a 16% decline in revenue, amounting to £517 million (or a 17% decrease in constant currency4). This downturn was largely influenced by substantial effects stemming from compliance modifications in dotcom markets. Despite this, the core markets of Italy and Spain exhibited double-digit growth during the period.