La London Stock Exchange admitirá Bitcoin y Ethereum en el segundo trimestre de 2024


La Bolsa de Valores de Londres (London Stock Exchange) admitirá a partir del segundo trimestre de 2024 admitirá ETN en Bitcoin y Ethereum.

Esta noticia sin duda supone un gran empujón para el ecosistema de los criptoactivos, otro más tras la aprobación por parte de la SEC aprobara la emisión de ETFs en Bitcoin

Diferencia entre un ETF y un ETN

La mayor diferencia entre los dos tipos de productos reside en que los ETFs son fondos mientras que los ETNs son notas. Al igual que un fondo de inversión tradicional, los ETFs consiguen su valor de una cesta de títulos. Los participantes autorizados mantienen el precio del ETF cercano a su valor liquidativo a través de un arbitraje intercambiando una cesta de títulos con acciones adicionales del ETF y viceversa.

Comunicado de la London Stock Exchange

«Given the guidance and views published by the FCA in respect of cryptoassets, the Exchange considers that the admission of certain securities representing cryptoassets may be detrimental to the reputation and integrity of the Exchange’s markets and/or the Exchange. Accordingly, the Exchange will only consider applications for admission in respect of Crypto ETNs where the issuer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Exchange how it can meet (and will continue to meet after admission) the following:

(1) The proposed Crypto ETN: (a) is physically backed, i.e. non-leveraged; (b) has a market price or other value measure of the underlying that is reliable and publicly available1; and (c) has Bitcoin or Ethereum underlying cryptoassets2.

(2) The underlying cryptoassets must be:

(a) (i) wholly or principally held in ‘cold storage’3 (i.e. in an offline depositary wallet), which includes cold staking; or (ii) subject to arrangements that achieve an equivalent outcome to cold storage. In cases where the issuer is intending to employ arrangements other than cold storage, the Exchange will require the issuer to obtain an audit report from a suitably qualified 3rd party4; and (

b) held by a custodian or custodians that are subject to AML regulation in the United Kingdom, European Union (or European Economic Area, where equivalent laws apply), Jersey, Switzerland or United States5.

Consulta el documento completo en la London Stock Exchange

Cotización Bitcoin tras la noticia

Cotización en tiempo real Bitcoin

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